sleepover pt4

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I walked over to the kitchen and sat on a nearby stool, I let my legs swing as I watched everyone dance to the music

Everyone looked so happy, and, in all honesty, I just wanted a hug from my Stephy

Stephanie danced with Jace; their smiles blossomed ever so slightly as they danced in each other's embrace

Isa and Liam looked so adorable together, awkward, yes, but still adorable

Jason and Lucy twirled in a big circle, their giggles could be heard from miles away, even though I'm not so keen on Lucy after she cheated on him twice, she seems to be making him happy and that's all that matters

My view was suddenly blocked with a huge body, I craned my neck to see Steph, my smile was ever so lasting as I pulled him into the biggest hug I could muster up

"How are you baby" He rubbed my back slowly before pulling away

"I'm fine, and you?" I spoke gleefully, I haven't seen the man in a week or two

"Good" He smiled gently before moving away

"I'm going to dance with lils" He nodded towards Lilah who was awkwardly standing by the door

I gave him a small nod and fell back into my seat; boredom is what I felt in the moment

"Nat" Jacob's voice startled me

"Jacob" I responded

"I don't like Steph" He muttered more to himself

"Who does" I shrugged as I twirled my chair around to face Jacob

"You don't?" He questioned a look off curiousness on his face

"Oh, I do, I love him even, but I couldn't say the same with all the others" I leaned my head on the palm of my hand

"You need to let go"

"I do?" I questioned; I didn't really understand what he was saying but I got the gist 

He gave me a small nod

"My one and only is here" He gave me a small side hug and walked over to Sare

I was left alone yet again, my boyfriend was dancing with this rando, and the rest was living their best life, oh why couldn't I be like them

Bored out of my mind I decided to get a book to read, as always, I walked upstairs and into my room, walking into the bathroom I opened my pill cabinet and grabbed the ones necessary, I walked over to my bedside table and grabbed the bottle of water that was nearly empty, grabbing it I stuffed the 5 different pills in my mouth and chugged down the rest of the water, I spun around childishly but stopped immediately when I saw Ares sitting on my beanbag

In the dark

By himself

"Ares?" I slowly walked closer, I quickly turned on my fairy lights and when I saw that it was indeed him, I took a sigh of relief

"You're probably wondering why I'm here" I muttered, his eyebrow raised ever so slightly, and I took that as a moment to talk

"Well everyone has their loved ones and I do too, he so happens to be in this building right now, he's downstairs dancing with Lilah, I've been longing for one hug from him and yes I did get it but he didn't even ask me to dance with him, he asked Lilah, and there's no problem with that, like he can dance with whoever he wants whenever he wants but we haven't seen each other in weeks and all I got was a 'How are you?' and I could've sworn I heard her needy voice over call panting and all that, but hey, I guess that's what loved ones do nowadays" I chuckled awkwardly before falling onto the space next to him

"Honestly how do people date, not saying it's hard, I'm dating right now, but it doesn't feel like it, I still haven't had my first kiss, all he does is hug me and maybe kiss my hand, but that's once in a blue moon" I rambled on

I turned my head slightly to see Ares watching me with curious eyes

"Do you get me?" I turned my head more and propped it up

"I always have to get hugs from Jacob, I can't go a day without at least one hug, it gives me fuel, I'm speaking gibberish" I sighed heavily and laid my head back on the bean bag

"Anyways are you excited for the movie night? I bet you 5 dollars, Lilah and Steph will be sitting next to each other, so you can sit next to me" I smiled widely, and I could've sworn I saw the side of his lips twitch upwards

"Anyways, I think that we should both go downstairs"

I stood up and waited but when he made no effort to move, I grabbed his hand and started to pull

"You weigh a ton" I grunted as I tried to pull again

Whilst pulling I slipped and fell onto the fluffy carpet if that's any bad 30 minutes ago, I found out that I'm also on my period

Double pain

I sat down for a while but decided to lay on my back, I grabbed one of my teddies that laid beside me and laid it under my shirt on my stomach

The feeling off something warm and heavy always helped with cramps

"Yo Ares where's Nat" I heard Jacob's voice call

"On the floor"

"What're you doing down there lovely, and what's that piece of hunk that's underneath your top" He proceeded to grab but I stopped him

"Leave her, girls' problems" Lilah shouted

My head snapped back at her standing near my doorway

Not only is she in my room but she's also staying for a sleepover, and if you think that that's bad, she also basically just told everyone in this room that I'm on my period how am I supposed to survive

"I'm right aren't I" She winked at me, and I couldn't help the small smile that made its way to my face

I internally cursed myself for it don't worry

I hummed quietly hoping that no one would hear but oh boy was I wrong

The intense silence was really getting to me, I just wanted to read my book yet I'm here sitting on the floor as everyone stares

"Guys can we eat now" I huffed out loudly

"Cmon up" Jacob held both of my hands and hauled me up gently

"Cmon Ares you're coming with us" I attempted to pull him up cautiously 

"I don't think that you'd want to touch him Nat" Jacob warned me 

I let go slowly and tilted my head to the side 

"Why?" I drawled out, I looked down at my hands and wiped them 'clean' "They're not dirty I promise, look" I showed them all my clean hands causing his to mutter something underneath his breath 

"He doesn't like being touched" He added on

My mouth formed the perfect 'O', I looked back at Ares and I couldn't help but look back at my hands 

"My bad" I shrugged and moved to the side giving him more space to come up, but as I moved, I felt his soft warm hands on mine, I don't know how, or why I felt this way, but the tingles were real

I looked at him curiously and he gestured with one hand going up 

I pulled him gently and this time it worked, well my help didn't help he probably did it all by himself, and the look on Jacob's face was nothing but shock, I was kind of confused why but I decided against asking

We all walked downstairs and dished out some food and let me tell you. It was absolutely delicious

I fell in love with AresWhere stories live. Discover now