almost hug

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I walked over to the door and made sure that it was locked, once I was sure that it was indeed locked I walked over to the kitchen

"Ma go to bed I'll finish cleaning up" The house was a mess and to think of it, ma did make the food along with the sleeping beauty I call dad, yes he's already knocked out, so I decided that it was best for me to do the cleaning

She gave me a small peck and walked upstairs, I sat down on the barstool that was nearby and scoped the place out 

So many things to clean and just with little old me

Everyone was currently getting everything into the movie room so that seemed like enough hard work so of course as always I decided against asking for help

I grabbed all the plastic plates and stuffed them in the bin, doing the same with the cups and cutlery, once I was done I hoovered the floor and refolded the blankets

I turned off the fairy lights and tied up the now overloaded bin

"Im going outside" I shouted, I heard faint mumbles and took that as a okay

The cold air overtook me as I walked over to the other side of the house, the leaves swayed left and right and the noise of the wind kind of scared me

Just a little

I opened the bin slightly but stopped when I heard the nearby crash cans knock off

Thats when the screaming happened

I could've sworn I screamed louder than all of us combined getting tickled

I quickly opened the bin and stuffed the black one in it

And then I just

Stood there

Rattling was heard nearby causing me to run, and let me tell you, I'm not even a fast runner, plus I didn't know where I was going

But I was going somewhere

"Don't hurt me" I muttered sarcastically as I backed away

"I got diabetes, you don't want a diabetic person, do you?" I added on "You will have to pay for all my foods, make sure my levels are okay, make sure I survive" I listed on

"If you're going to hurt me give me some books to read whilst I die" I mumbled

"Preferably romance, you know?" I added on, but when I was met with silence that's when the tears kicked in

My eyes grew teary as I stared at the tall shadow

"Why is everyone taller than me" I tilted my head

The person suddenly grabbed my hand, surprisingly gently and almost dragged me into the house

Once the door closed, I exhaled loudly when I saw that it was just Ares

"You scared me" I placed my hand on my heart as I tried to steady my breathing

"Really scary" I added on, I couldn't seem to steady my breathing at all causing me to panic even more

Ares looked at me with dull eyes causing me to laugh

Laughing didn't help the condition that I was in

I need water, anything

"Hey Nat, Ares" Stephanie smiled at me

"Nat you good" Stephanie asked me with a tilt of the head

"Hey that's my move" I whined but stopped when I felt my heartbeat exhilarate 

"Jason, Jacob, anybody" She shouted gently maybe considering that my parents were probably knocked out

She walked over to me quickly and gave me a hug

But that didn't help my beating heart

"Hug her" Stephanie looked at Ares with a pleading look

He stood still for a second or two then started to walk to me, he placed his hands by his side but before I could even wrap my arms around his torso Jacob came and hugged me

"You okay darling?" he asked with a gentle tone

I melted in his arms, his brother like hug was good but I was in need of my own brother's hug

I pulled back quickly and walked over to Jason

He held onto the back of my head gently and pulled me into him

"Breathe" he said gently

"Do you need water, sweets?" He asked in a whisper

"Please" I muttered back feeling way better

"Why was Ares standing Infront of you" He asked as he pulled away

"He was going to hug me" I simply said

I didn't know that one almost hug would create such chaos 

Oh, was I so wrong

I fell in love with AresWhere stories live. Discover now