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"Should we wake her up" Came a muffled voice

"Maybe we should party next time" I soon knew that this was Stephanie 

"I'm up"  I rubbed my eyes slowly and lifted my head up from my pillow "Where's ares?" I asked as I searched the room 

"He's gonna meet us at the party" Stephanie shrugged which was followed with a small smile

I nodded slowly and walked over to my bathroom, I stared at myself for a few minutes, I didn't actually look that bad, grabbing my face wash I begun to wash my face 

"I don't have an outfit" I splashed some cold water on my face 

"We got one for you" 

I nodded lazily and dabbed the soft fluffy towel on my face, now feeling refreshed I walked back into my room, I fell back first onto my bean bag and sighed heavily, closing my eyes I took a deep breath in and one equally out 

"You guys look nice" I peeked through my eyelashes 

"Time to make you look nice" 

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