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I sat on my bed and couldn't help the small smile that blossomed onto my face, I'm moving from home to a dorm room, all by myself

It was summer holidays and I was preparing myself to get ready, I've heard stories from my brother about how bad it is to go to college but what can I say, brother Jason makes everything into a big deal, honestly one of the biggest over exaggerators I know

I walked over to my bathroom and pulled my hair back into a low ponytail, I guess I really am going to pack everything up

Maybe not everything, but most stuff

"Nat, darling" Mum called from downstairs, I hummed loud enough for her to hear

"Do you need help with packing?" she shouted back

I peered through my bathroom door to see the big mess off clothes that laid on my floor

Maybe I did need help

"Yes please" I shouted back

"Jace is coming"

My face dropped, emotions heightened, and I felt my face heat up, why did mum have to be friends with his mum

Out of everyone who could come and help me, it had to be Jace, the one who hates me with his whole heart, I'm exaggerating a bit

 The one I could never bring myself to hate, because yes, I forgive people a bit too easily, but I honestly can't help myself

Jace isn't a bad looking guy, his hair is always styled, even when he wakes up his hair is always a fluffy cute mess, he holds some great facial features, and he towers over me which always makes my neck hurt, yes looking up at him makes my neck hurt

All the time

But as I say that to be honest, all of my brother's friend's hair is beautifully styled, and they're all so tall, and have great facial features, so there's nothing special about Jace

I kneeled over and sat on the cold tiles, I leaned over into my bedroom and grabbed one of my small suitcases, I rowed it into the bathroom and proceeded to open the bottom drawer

I literally had nothing there, I'm not so keen on makeup, it messes up my skin and I'm no good at it, and that's exactly why I stick with mascara, I barely even wear lip-gloss as I always feel like I'll have my first kiss, but the stickiness of lip-gloss will get in the way

My boyfriend of now 6 months still hasn't kissed me, or made the first move, yes, we've held hands a couple of times, gave each other small hugs, but that's about it

People call me oblivious every single day for staying with him, but I feel like it works out perfectly, he got good grades, I do too, he's the football captain, popular and more, whilst I normally sit in the corner of the library, girls drool over him making me happy that he chose me and on top of that we are going to the same college, what more could I ask for

My mind snapped out of its mini haze when I heard 2 knocks on my door

Jace is here

I hope that you guys enjoyed the first chapter to this newly developed book, let's be honest, I was waffling in most of the paragraphs, but I can't lie, it turned out to be pretty good, have a great day everyone

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