sleepover pt3

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"We are home" Jason shouted

"We are upstairs" I shouted back

Jace walked over to Stephanie and gave her the choco bar she requested, I watched as he slung his arm around her shoulder and brought her close

"Are you guys dating?" Isa asked

Thank the heavens because I was wondering too, Stephanies face turned a bright red causing me to awh her

"Well Stephanie would you like to be my girlfriend even though we are already dating"

I gasped loudly

"You two are dating and I never knew" I gasped yet again and dramatically fell onto the floor

"He asked me yesterday" Stephanie mumbled and buried her red face into his chest, he peppered her head with kisses causing my heart to melt, why couldn't Steph do that for me

"I hope you don't mind but I invited Steph and Lilah" Jason interrupted and I could've sworn my head snapped over to his direction

"Aren't you excited?" He asked in a teasing tone

Everything made sense, Lilah was the girl that was calling him in such a needy tone, this isn't going to go well

"So excited" I mumbled sarcastically

"Let me call Liam" Isa screeched whilst exiting the room

Jaeon sat beside me and pulled out his phone "You alright?" He asked in a serious tone

Serious brother has been activated

"Yeah" I answered with a smile "Still need to take my pills but other than that I'm doing fantastic"

"I think I should read" I added on

"What's wrong"

"Nothing?" I questioned

"You reading is a big giveaway"

I couldn't help but laugh, reading does help me release stress, pain and more, it makes me fantasize about stuff that's not even true it makes me feel one with the book

"I'm still figuring it out myself" I answered truthfully

"Ares is staying over" His attention went back to his phone for a split second

"Oh yeah, can you have movie night with us, you know the set-up" I looked at the ground

"I'll invite my girl, Jacob will invite his and we will all be good to go, movie night together, better yet we can all sleep in the movie room"

Me and Stephanie looked at each other and fake gagged

"I dislike Lucy" I spoke calmly knowing that this topic rowed up my bro

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you but I guess you have to deal with it"

"I never said she couldn't come" I added on

"Yeah whatever"

My eyes started watering ever so slightly but I was quick to hide it

"I think that I should check when dinner will be ready" I quickly stood up but before I could leave, I was pulled back into Jason

"Its a sensitive topic for me okay, I'm not mad at you so don't go cry about it"

He knows me too well

I took in a deep breath and one equally out

"I think that we should go downstairs, I hear music" Automatic sign that the feast is beginning

"Isa c'mon now he will meet you here he knows where to go" I shouted over to the guest bathroom

"Coming" She shouted

We all made our way downstairs and indeed I was right

Everyone was dancing and was having the best time in their life

I walked over to ma and watched ae she stirred the vegetables

"Say 'ahhh'" She blew on the food and gave me some to try

"Yummy" I hummed as the flavors exploded in my mouth

"I'm going to check on dad, also more people are coming over for the sleepover if that's fine"

"Who?" she stopped stirring and gave all her attention to me

"Stephanie, Isa, Steph, Lilah, Lucy, Sare, Jacob, Jace and maybe Ares"

"Your room is big enough to fit all of them?" She asked

"We're planning on sleeping in the movie room if that's fine?"

"Enjoy and don't make too much noise" She kissed my forehead lightly and continued on with stirring the food

I gave her a small smile and walked outside

"My little munchkin" Dad shouted

"My big munchkin" I shouted back

"Everyone is having the best time dancing in there"

"I see, food is nearly ready"

I opened my mouth wide, and he placed a cut up piece of meat in my mouth"

"Scrumptious, delicious, spectacular" I started to list out a whole load, causing him to laugh

"Go hit the dance floor" I waved and turned on the fairy lights that was built outside

Time to hit the dance floor

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