movie night

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"Guys pick your seats" I spun around childishly and watched as everyone filled up the back seats

And guess who Steph sat next to


As everyone got situated, I looked for an empty seat but when I didn't find any, I felt a frown fall onto my face

I scanned the room one more time and smiled as I watched Ares sit by himself

Guess I'm sitting with him tonight

I skipped over to him and smiled upon seeing him, I walked over to the seat next to him and made myself comfortable 

"Can you get the snacks?" I asked as I leaned my head back

He looked down at the floor causing me to look down, I smiled brightly at him when I saw a bag of snacks at his feet 

I grabbed the bag and opened it widely, a bigger smile grazed my face when I realized that all the snacks were sugar free, scavenging through the bag I saw the heating pad I begged for along with my juice 

"Thank you" I pulled up the arm rest and pulled myself into him, he was stiff causing me to pull back 

"Do you want me to pull your recliner back?" I asked him gently; he gave me a small look over before turning back to his normal position 

Not me getting ignored 

I stood up slowly and leaned over his body, pressing the buttons at the side I watched as he leaned back, seconds later, his smooth fingers grazed my own telling me that it was fine 

I pulled back and did the same to mine and I couldn't help but smile 

I felt so comfortable with someone I barely knew 

"Is everyone ready" Stephanie shouted 

"No" Isa shouted back, I heard similar paddings off feet and when I looked to my right, I saw her small figure approach me 

"Here's your blanket, me and Liam want to sit next to you, not that yucky Steph" She gagged causing me to laugh, I looked up at Ares to see him looking down at me, his grey eyes shone down at me, I watched as he effortlessly glided a hand through his hair and there it was

The tingles

I unfolded the fluffy blanket and covered both of us with it 

"Recliners back" I shouted, the whirling off buttons satisfied me 

"Before you sleep drink water" Jason shouted back 

"How can I if I'll be sleeping" I teased 

"Ares, make sure she drinks water, nothing else but water before she sleeps" 

I muttered a few words but didn't argue back 

"Let the movie begin" Everyone shouted causing me to giggle

I fell in love with AresWhere stories live. Discover now