I Need You

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The absolute second I open John and I's bedroom door, there's a magical sight.

A naked Johnny boy, waving his finger at me to join him. Not to mention the candles scattered around the room.

"John...what's all this?"

His arms snake around my waist, and he melts into my still clothed body. "You seemed like you had a bad day because you weren't talking to me. I have to solve your sadness and stress somehow..."

He kisses my neck multiple times, causing me to giggle. "Ah! Ok, you got me. You're right. It wasn't a good day. I just didn't want to take it out on you. Plus, it's complicated and I'd much rather focus on what's more important anyway..."

"And what would that be?"

"Strip me down, Johnny boy."

He smirked and happily followed his command. I know he loves being called that. He crashes his lips onto mine, never breaking contact.

"Mmm, John..."

When it finally did end, it only shifted places. His lips moved from mine to my neck, sucking ever so gently.

"Let me see something..."

His finger slowly trailed down my body agonizingly slowly, finally reaching where I needed him the most.

With a few lovely rubs of my clit, John slipped a finger inside of me. "Ah, yes, you are." "I'm...oh...what, Johnny?"

"You're wet for me, baby. So wet. I need a taste of that." He removed his fingers and instead replaced them with his tongue, licking slowly like a cat.

"Johnny boy..."

"Mmm, yes...keep calling me that, and cum for me..."

I happily obeyed, cumming all over his tongue.

"Good girl, baby. Now, my sweet Emma, I want you badly..." He rubs himself against me, but I pull away.

"Emma? What's the matter, dear?"

"You deserve such lovely treatment, too..." and with that, I take him in my mouth. I could feel him squirm with pleasure instantly.

"Oh, baby...yes..."

I keep looking up at him, taunting him with looks of lust.

"Oh, if you keep doing that, I'll cum on command..."

"Then do it." I give him one last strong lust filled look, which sends him over the edge. I swallow all of it as well.

I stroke his hair, something that drives him crazy. "Good Johnny boy...now you can have me."

He pounces on me, roughly entering me and moving extremely fast.

"Ahh! John!"

"Yeah, you like that, baby?"

"Oh, I do..."

"Take it, baby, take it all..."

"It hurts a little, Johnny boy, you're being a little rough..."

He finally calms down a bit, where we both cum in unison, falling on top of each other and cuddling for the rest of the night.

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