Small family (Wilbur)

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Little: Wilbur
Cgs: Phil, Kristen
Others: Tommy (Tommy isn't his cg he's like a sibling)

Tw/Cws: descriptive self harm, bad thoughts, being in a bad mental place, dissociating, hospitals, impure regression, descriptive breakdown, implied suicidalness, mention of physc ward.

Don't read this if you're sensitive to these topics! /srs this is a heavily angsty chapter.

Wilbur didn't know why he felt like this, he didn't even really know what he was feeling.

He was sad, obviously. But this was a different type of sad, he didn't know what was causing this sadness nor did he know how to fix it.

He tried streaming, he tried writing more music, he tried hanging out with friends. Everything he did just seemed to make things worse.

Onto more personal coping mechanisms...,

He'd tried to hurt himself but that barely helped anything. It really only added to the problems. He was now hurting mentally and physically.

He called a hotline to see if they could send help but despite his pleas and crying, they really only told him to calm down and hung up.

He tried age regressing too, a coping mechanism he had heard about only days prior, but it proved to be unhelpful when his two year old mindset could only panic and cry. He couldn't care for himself, he couldn't call anyone, and it most definitely did not help.

Currently, he was sat in his room on his bed. He was staring at a blade in his hands and debating on whether he should do it or not.

While he hated the affects afterward, this helped him feel at ease for just a little bit.

He knew he should call Phil, or Tommy, or really just anyone for help. But after his experience with the hotline, he just didn't want to be a bother.

Just a few.

His ears rang as he lifted the small blade. Phil confiscated all his others, this one was hidden.

For special occasions.

He pressed it against his arm and winced as the metal dug into his skin, drawing small dots of blood.

He hesitated just slightly before yanking the blade, slicing his skin open in the process.

Wilbur whimpered slightly as pain washed over his body. He could see his tissue through the blood.

Too deep.

He panicked and grabbed his phone with shaking hands. He paused after clicking on Phils number but decided to call anyways.

"Hello?," .

Phils voice rang through Wils small room. The ringing in his ears immediately silenced as soon as Phils gentle tone met his ears.

"Phil! I- I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," Wilbur rambled quickly before getting cut off by Phil.

"Wilbur, what did you do?," Rustling was heard on Phils end then Kristen's sweet voice could be heard, she was worried about something.

Or someone.

Wilbur was beginning to feel dizzy.

"I went too deep," Wilbur said quietly. He could feel the other cuts and injuries on his body begin burning and stinging like a chain reaction.

Silence filled the call then a door closed. "I'm on my way, don't do anything else," .

Wilbur laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't focus on his heavily bleeding arm or the dots threatening to take over his vision.

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