Accidents happen (Tom)

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Little Tommy (4-1)
Cg: Ranboo

Tw/Cw: Wetting the bed, self hatred, fear of being abandoned. (Mainly fluff after the first bit)

Requested by: M0zzL1ghT

"Night night Tom," Ranboo said softly, gently closing the door with a click.

He now had two hours to do whatever while Tommy was down for his nap, this meant cleaning, cooking, and entertaining himself.

Tommy yawned, stretching as he sat up in bed. He looked around for a moment before attempting to move a bit.

He froze as he realized he was wet..down there. Did he have a accident? He wasn't small enough to have one when he fell asleep though.

Tommy uncomfortably shifted on his bed then he remembered Ranboo. What would his caregiver think of him? Would he be disgusted and leave?

Small tears sprung to Tommys eyes as he imagined his caregiver leaving him. Tommy felt himself slipping fast, much smaller than usual.

His crying grew louder and soon he was sobbing loudly. His door opened quickly and somebody knelt down next to him. Tommy quickly recognized the person as Ranboo.

He didn't want Ranboo to see him like This! He'd surely be mad or leave him, not wanting to deal with the mess.

"Tommy? Bub, what's wrong?," Ranboo pet Tommy's head softly, looking him up and down for signs of injury.

When he looked down he noticed the small wet spot on the littles pants, a slightly larger spot on the bed where the little was sitting.

"Oh Tom it's okay! Accidents happen angel, no need to be embarrassed," Ranboo reassured while giving Tommy a caring smile.

Tommy slowly calmed down, looking up at Ranboo. "I sowwy boo, didn' means to," Ranboo shushed the other softly.

"No need for apologies, this is a easy fix! Bath time?," Tommy raised his arms in response and Ranboo lifted him up with ease.

Tommy was carried to the bathroom where he was then set down on the counter. Ranboo turned the bath on and made sure the water wouldn't drain then left the bathroom to get some clothes for the little.

Ranboo returned and set the clothes onto the counter next to Tommy, the clothes were Ranboos hoodie, sweatpants, and fluffy socks. (Fluffy sockssss)

Ranboo turned the water off and helped Tommy into the bath (yes I'm skipping over him taking his clothes off bc ew). Tommy sat in the warm water and was instantly happier, the bubbles added to his happiness.

Ranboo used a cup to wet Tommys hair then began lathering soap in it, Tommy enjoying the gentle touch.

<time skip bc I don't wanna write a bath scene (can you tell I'm kinda small-?) >

Ranboo wrapped Tommy in a warm towel and lifted him up, grabbing his clothes before leaving the bathroom.

Ranboo laid Tommy on his bed (ranboos bed) and left for a second again, this time returning with a pull-up.

Ranboo quickly put the pull-up on Tommy, looking away when necessary. Ranboo put baby lotion on Tommy then got him dressed.

Ranboo went to the bathroom and grabbed Tommy's hairbrush then returned to the little, who was now half asleep.

"Tom, want me to brush your hair?," Ranboo sat behind Tommy and smiled as the younger nodded slowly.

"Toons?," Tommy asked quietly and Ranboo hummed, putting blues clues on his phone and handing it to Tommy.

Ranboo brushed Tommys hair gently while Tommy watched the cartoon. They were both very content and happy with their situation at the moment.

Ranboo finished brushing Tommys hair and he placed the brush on his bedside table.

"Angel? Is it sleepy time?," Ranboo asked with a smile as Tommy yawned. "Ni ni time?," Tommy asked then crawled to Ranboo.

Ranboo situated them so Tommy was lying on Ranboo with his back against Ranboos chest, his head resting against Ranboos neck.

"Ni ni boo," Tommy mumbled sleepily, his eyes fluttering shut. "Night night tiny," Ranboo replied.

A/N: I'm tired and small but I can't sleep so that means I write :> -A<3

Words: 676

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