Bad face Day (Ranboo)

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Little: Ranboo (4-1½) Cg: Tubbo

Tw/Cw: Mention of panic attacks, mention of unintentional sh, facial dysmorphia.

Ranboo hummed to himself as he waddled into the kitchen, he was currently at Tubbos house but his family were going to a gathering which left him alone and alone time meant small time!

Ranboo went to scratch his face but was met with the soft fabric of his mask, he had forgotten what caused him to slip in the first place.

Ranboo was having a 'ugly' day which was what he called a bad dysmorphia day, he had accidentally looked in a mirror for too long which led to a panic attack.

Usually Tubbo helped with his panic attacks but Tubbo was gone so he slipped instead, which made him feel much happier.

Ranboo poured juice into his sippy cup, almost dropping the carton of juice, and grabbed a small pack of animal crackers.

He headed back to the couch that he had been sleeping on, though Tubbo told him he could use his bed, and flopped down.

Ranboo reached over and grabbed his switch. He was playing animal crossing! The cute graphics and happy music really touched his little side and he usually ended up playing the game while little or attempting to be little.

Ranboo munched on the crackers, grimacing whenever the screen turned black and he could see his reflection.

He was happy for the most part. He had a cute game, snacks, and he was comfortable. He couldn't help but miss Tubbo though.

Tubbo, to Ranboos knowledge, didn't know about Ranboos regression and Ranboo never told him in case he wouldn't accept it or would be grossed out.

Besides he's been hiding it from his parents for years he could hide it for a few months right?

Ranboo paused mid-drink when he heard the door unlocking and he just barely managed to hide the sippy cup as Tubbo opened the door.

Tubbo waved bye to his parents and sisters then closed the door and glanced around the room with tired eyes.

"Hi boo, what're you doing up?," The truth was that Tubbo was a caregiver in the past and he couldn't help but lean into his caregiver side when tired or around his friends.

Ranboo slowly lifted his mask up so it covered his face and avoided eye contact, his head swarming with negative thoughts.

"Ranboo? What's wrong?," Tubbo immediately knew something was up and he kneeled down to be eye level with him.

" 'gly day," Ranboo mumbled and Tubbos face expression visibly changed. "It's okay boo, did something happen earlier?," Tubbo placed a reassuring hand on Ranboos head, slightly petting his hair.

"Panic 'tak, N' small," Ranboo couldn't help but tell on himself, he had slipped younger and Tubbo was being so parent like.

Tubbo quickly checked Ranboos arms and face for any signs of injury, he had a habit of unintentionally scratching himself, and when he saw there weren't any he hugged Ranboo tightly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here, you're small? How old?," Ranboo rested his head on Tubbos shoulder and melted into the hug.

Ranboo held up one finger then put a second one up then back down, Tubbo assumed he was one and a half.

"So small! Such a tiny handsome boy," Tubbo cooed, making Ranboo smiled happily.

"Do you have any small things?," Tubbo pulled away from the hug, Ranboo still resting his head on his shoulder.

"Mhm," Ranboo grabbed his sippy cup from where it was hidden under his blanket then pointed to his bookbag which was resting on the floor near the closet.

Tubbo gently moved Ranboos head and grabbed the bag, taking out a paci, bottle, and a soft blanket.

Tubbo handed Ranboo the paci then grabbed the sippy and bottle and left to the kitchen.

While Ranboo waited for Tubbo he grabbed his youtooz plush and wrapped the blanket around himself.

Tubbo returned with the bottle filled with warm milk and sat next to Ranboo on the couch.

He would move them to the bed but he didn't think Ranboo could walk that far and honestly the couch was comfortable.

"You want this, baby boo?" Ranboo giggled at the nickname and nodded, taking off his mask.

"Theres that cute little face!," Tubbo booped Ranboos nose and handed the little his bottle.

Tubbo laid down and helped Ranboo lay down next to him. Ranboo was on the inside of the couch while Tubbo was lying on the outside and had his arm wrapped around Ranboos waist.

Ranboo drank his milk, savoring the warmness against his tongue. When the milk was finished Ranboo sighed contently, putting his mask back on.

If he had a bad face day he usually slept with the mask on because he could never tell if the next day would also be bad and he didn't want to risk it.

Ranboo curled up into a little ball, his head resting on Tubbos chest.

"Ni ni bo," Ranboo whispered. "Night night teeny one," Tubbo smiled down at the boy and began softly petting his hair.

Ranboo let out another sigh and allowed his eyes to close. Sleep washed over him and he allowed himself to be pulled in, falling asleep contently in his friends warm arms.

A/N: I'm going through my drafts and attempting to finish them before writing anything new lol -T<3

Word count: 904

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