Drained (Tubbo)

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Little: Tubbo (1)
Cgs: Tommy (Papa), Ranboo (Buba), Aimsey (Bubby)
Other: Freddie

Tw/Cws: Breakdown, overbinding, overworking, not sleeping (This is totally not a vent :D, yes I am okay!)

Note: Tubbo is trans in this chapter, because it is a vent and I'm trans irl. He's not, to our knowledge, actually trans irl.

Tubbo slumped against the wall and slowly slid down, sitting on the floor.

He didn't understand.

He didn't understand feelings or sadness or crying. He didn't understand why his body forced him to do things he didn't want to and he didn't understand life really.

He allowed his head to fall into his hands and let out a sob. It hurt. Everything hurt and he didn't have a explanation for why it hurt.

He hated everything. He hated himself, he hated his friends, he hated his family, he hated everyone and anyone who had ever left him or made him feel this way.

Tubbo lifted his head and leaned against the wall. He was tired, so so tired. Then again, he had no reason to be tired, which only further frustrated him.

"Why is life like this," He mumbled to the air. He had nobody to talk to anyway. His friends had casted him out once again, his family had gone out without him, and he definitely wouldn't talk to his cat.

Tubbo huffed and lifted himself off the floor. He took a second to compose himself then walked away from the wall.

The wall he always ended up sitting at when he broke down. That wall had seen some of his scariest breakdowns and some of his short crying sessions.

He couldn't afford to break down today. He had meetings to attend and people to talk to. His life wasn't set up around his mental health and that's how he liked it.

Tubbo began to walk to his desk but stumbled along the way and fell back onto the floor.

He sighed and sat down, closing his eyes.

Tubbo laid down on the floor and curled himself into a ball. He allowed his tears to flow freely down his face.

He was just so so tired.

His body relaxed as he fell asleep, Slowly fading out of reality and into a dreamless rest.

"Toby?," Tubbos eyes opened at the sound of his name. He was still curled up on the ground but now it was mid-day.

"Hm?," Tubbo let out a small hum, making no effort to sit up. "What's wrong?," Steps sounded closer to him as this sentence was said.

He couldn't recognize the voice that was speaking. The fuzzy feeling in his head made it difficult to concentrate. It sounded like multiple people?

"Nuffin," Tubbo mumbled and curled into himself more, wincing as his ribs ached.

"You've been crying," Another voice said, Tubbo only now noticed the feeling of dried tears on his face.

"Uh huh," Tubbo murmured and let his eyes close again. He felt himself drifting back into that comforting dreamless state and he made no effort to pull himself out.

The first thing Tubbo noticed when he cracked his eyes open was the fact he was now on the couch instead of the floor.

He panicked slightly at that and sat up quickly, his ribs hurting incredibly at that simple movement.

Tubbo glanced around the room and saw nobody but the shoes and sweaters by the door let him know people were here.

He stood up shakily and walked, more of wobbled, to the bathroom.

Tubbo immediately took his shirt off as soon as the door was locked. He winced at the bruises forming underneath his binder.

He peeled the binder off and rubbed at the bruises carefully. Tubbo huffed and pulled his shirt back on.

"Toby?," A knock sounded at the bathroom door and Tubbo could make out Tommys voice calling to him.

"Be out in a second," Tubbo said in almost a whisper. He washed his face and ran his fingers through his hair before opening the door.

Tubbo stepped out into the hall and saw four people waiting for him. He didn't like this. He felt surrounded and suffocated.

Ranboo. Tommy. Aimsey. Freddy.

He eyed all four people then put his head down and walked back to the couch.

"Tubs? What's wrong?," Aimsey, who followed him, asked. "Nuffin'," Tubbo mumbled, his voice slightly slurred.

"Come here bub," Aimsey opened their arms for him but he stood in the same spot. Tubbo shook his head and laid down, curling back into a ball.

"That's okay, you're okay," Aimsey didn't know what to comfort him for but they weren't just going to leave him!

They slowly pet Tubbos hair and hummed softly. Tubbos eyes filled with tears as he processed the affection he was receiving. It felt wrong to be comforted.

"Toby, buddy, what's wrong?," Ranboo cooed as he walked over to the pair. He noticed the boys teary eyes before Aimsey did. (It feels weird to write my name-)

Tubbo only shook his head. "Wanna be small," He whispered to Ranboo. Ranboo hummed and swiftly lifted Tubbo off the couch.

Ranboo sat then set Tubbo in his lap (don't make this weird.) . Tubbo cuddled against Ranboos chest and closed his eyes.

Ranboo slowly rocked back and forth, the comforting movement causing Tubbo to slip almost instantly.

"Where papa?," Tubbo mumbled slowly, looking up at Ranboo. Ranboo smiled sadly at the boy, Tubbos eyes were red and puffy and his eye bags were incredibly dark.

"Right here bub!," Tommy rushed over and stood in front of the little, kneeling down to be eye to eye with him.

"What's wrong sweetie? Bad day?," Tubbo only nodded. He didn't know why it was a bad day, he just felt icky.

"It's okay, we're here now don't worry. Age?," Tommy pet Tubbos hair gently, the little leaning into the touch almost immediately.

Tubbo held up two fingers then put one down. He didn't know his age he just knew he was really really small.

"Mkay, want some milk?," Tommy wiped at the others face when he saw tears fill Tubbos eyes once again, Tubbo didn't even notice.

He shook his head and reached out to Tommy.

"Papa," Tubbo whispered, snuggling into Tommy when he was lifted into the blonds arms.

"What's wrong little one?," Tommy whispered back. "Dunno, 'eepy," Tubbo responded in the same tone.

Tommy nodded and sat down on the couch, laying Tubbo on him. (Tommy's sitting and Tubbos laying sideways on him curled up with his head on Tommys chest)

Tubbo grabbed onto Tommys shirt with a loose grip and hid his face in the tallers chest.

Tubbo opened his mouth when Tommy pressed his pacifier against his lips, he didn't know where Tommy got his paci from but it comforted him a ton. (Ranboo got it lol)

"Ni ni?," Tubbo mumbled out, loud enough for all three caregivers to hear. "Ni ni," They all responded at the same time, Aimsey giggling after.

"Bubby," Tubbo slurred out, reaching a hand towards the direction he thought they were at. Aimsey grasped onto his hand, squeezing softly.

They held his hand even after the little fell asleep, still grasping loosely onto it after a hour had passed.

They'd be there still when he woke up, even if it was hours later. They'd always be there for him, and so would Tommy and Ranboo.

A/N: Bit of a angsty one for you guys :] -T<3

Word count: 1248

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