Dream (Tommy)

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Little: Tommy (3-1) Cg: it's a surprise :]

Tws: hallucinations, bad parent, lots of bad emotions, cursing.

Tommy was sure that he would wake up small today however that wasn't a option when he woke up at nine in the morning to screaming and laughing. He forced himself to get out of bed but stopped when he saw Micheal come into his room.

"Micheal? Where are your dads?," Tommy asked but Micheal ignored him, not being able to speak english, and continued to play with Yogurt and Shroud who smiled and waved at their father. Tommy waved back, still in a daze from just waking up, and walked downstairs to find phil.

"-yeah! Y'know he does the most questionable things," Tommy heard Phil say. He didn't know who he was talking to or about and decided to listen in to find out.

Big mistake.

"I mean yeah he does and he also picked up that habit of collecting blue items, It's weird, that stupid ghost is gone he needs to move on already," he heard a voice that sounded a awful lot like Wilbur say.

Tommy didn't want to jump to conclusions but the only person who did that was...him. Are they really talking shit about him when, for all they knew, he could be right outside? Tommy walked into the kitchen not bothering to wipe his tears away and sat next to them leaving the pair with shocked faces.

"Why are there kids running around my bedroom Phil?," Tommy asked calmly. "Um well we decided to babysit Micheal and Yogurt so Shroud could have a playdate," Phil replied quickly, though his hesitance showed.

"Don't make decisions for my kid, they were going to have a play-date tomorrow because if you forgot it's Christmas which is a family holiday," Tommy said back while quickly wiping his dried tears away.

"Oh by the way I'm sorry that my habit of collecting blue flowers, not items, annoys you but it's how I cope with the death of my brother who liked blue and I don't think I do 'questionable' things you just never ask what I'm doing so how would you know the purpose behind it?,".

And with that Tommy left and walked back into his room, kicking the kids out and flopping down on his bed. He just wanted to be small why couldn't he be small? He knew the answer to that, it was because in order for him to regress he needed to be babied but he just found his caregiver talking bad about him behind his back.

Hell for all he knew Phil probably didn't even want to be his caregiver he probably just did it so that he could have somebody when he did regress.

Tommy felt the urge to cry but no tears came instead he lied on his bed with no real emotion displayed on his face.

He desperately wanted to be held and taken care of with no care as to who was holding him or who could possibly be judging him. He didn't want to worry about stupid kids or wars or politics!

Tommy stumbled to his feet and grabbed his soother from his bedside table, stuffing it into the pocket of his blue cardigan.

He left the house with thoughts swarming in his head, not noticing the person slowly creeping up on him...

...he didn't realize at least until somebody suddenly grabbed him.

Tommy let out a small yelp and jumped, turning around quickly. "D-dream..?," Tommy Froze, his eyes wide and body shaking violently in fear.

"No! Y-you're supposed to be in jail! I put you there myself!," Tommy spiraled and curled in on himself, slowly sinking to the floor in the process.

"You're not real! Why am I seeing you? What's going on?," Tommy gripped at his hair to attempt to ground himself.

"Tommy buddy, you're hurting yourself," Dream mumbled softly. Dream reached up and pulled his mask off then reached for Tommy's hands, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Why are you helping? Wh- I-," Tommy cut himself off repeatably, not having the words or stability to form a full sentence.

"What do you mean? I've always helped Toms, I've been here through it all! I'm your friend Tommy!," .

Tommy was visibly confused and he slowly removed his hands from the death grip they had on his hair, wincing at the dull pain.

"No, no you're not real, you're not here," Tommy began blinking quickly to try and make the illusion disappear, he just wanted peace today, why couldn't he ever have peace!

"Go away!," Tommy yelled, his eyes shut tightly.

"Tommy?," Tommy heard a soft voice call out to him. He opened his eyes slowly. Dream was gone.

Instead of Dream, Niki stood in front of him. Worry was visible on her face and she slowly kneeled down.

"Niki?," Tommy whispered and when she nodded Tommy burst into tears and grabbed onto her sweater tightly.

"Tommy, what's wrong?," Niki sat on the floor and let the boy climb into her lap, his face now resting on her shoulder.

"Dream was- he was here! N' bein weird! Don' want him here," Tommy whispered the last bit and let his head fall back onto her shoulder after realizing he had moved it.

"Tommy, honey, nobody was there," Niki said back. She had been walking down the path and had heard Tommy screaming but when she checked it out he was panicking on the floor yelling at the air.

"But- he was here! N' touched face n' said tings," Tommy was having trouble speaking clearly, which made him very frustrated with himself.

"Tommy, how old are you feeling?," Niki had caught onto his 'childish' behavior and her assumptions were right when Tommy held up 3 fingers.

"Alright buddy c'mon," Niki lifted Tommy into her arms with no issues and stood up. (Strong niki)

Tommy held onto Niki tightly, he had never been carried before as Phil never offered and he was too shy to ask.

The feeling of being carried caused him to slip further, he was now two or maybe one and a half.

Niki opened a door to a house and Tommy curiously looked up from where he was resting his head on her shoulder.

Niki walked into the house and set Tommy down on a chair. Tommy was a bit sad at being put down but he didn't let it show.

"Would you like some crackers?," Niki asked softly. Tommy looked up and noticed they were in a kitchen.

"P'ease," Tommy mumbled as he nodded. Niki smiled and poured some animal crackers in a bowl. (Best kind of crackers)

Tommy kicked his feet happily under the table when Niki placed the bowl in front of him.

"T'ank you!," Tommy smiled widely, his eyes closing in the process. Nikis heart melted at the sight.

She remembers when Tommy was younger and was like this all the time, she missed it.

Niki poured some juice in a cup and put a straw in it, she didn't have sippy cups at the moment so this would have to do.

The cup was placed in front of Tommy then Niki sat in a chair next to Tommy.

She smiled sadly as the boy played with his crackers, making up a zoo. Niki couldn't help but wonder why he was so terrified of Dream earlier.

He had never really told her about anything Dream did to him personally.

She would have to ask when he aged up again, she couldn't possibly traumatize his headspace even more.

A/N: I started writing this during Christmas- wow -A<3

Word count: 1281

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