There's a first time for everything (Tommy)

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Littles: Tommy (2-1), Wilbur (2) Caregivers: Tubbo, Ranboo

Tw/Cws: Stress, anxiety, crying.

Tommy had been very stressed recently with streaming, uploading on youtube, and getting lots of hate daily. It really hurt him, he's only seventeen after all. He shouldn't have to deal with this much all while balancing college, his family, and making time to see his best friends.

He was starting to get anxiety during streams and his fans were starting to worry about him. He couldn't have that because that's how rumors start.

At the moment, he was at Tubbos house talking to him and Ranboo about everything and trying to get their opinions about it. Wilbur was there too but he was little so they tried to not disturb him.

"Hey, I have a idea," Tubbo spoke up suddenly. "Yeah?," Tommy replied, looking up from his hands. "Okay so you know how whenever Wilburs really stressed or upset he slips into littlespace to cope?," Tubbo said, hoping they got the idea.

"So you're saying maybe Tommy should try it too?," Ranboo said, seeming to understand. Tommy stared at them with wide eyes, his mood seemed to falter a bit. "But what I get it wrong? Or- or it doesn't work?," Tommy worried aloud.

"Nonsense Tommy! We wouldn't know if we don't try right?," Tubbo shushed the other. Tommy thought about it for a second before nodding, agreeing to try it. "So um how does Wil do it?," Tommy asked, looking at the little who was laying on the couch with a paci in his mouth.

Wil looked up, feeling eyes on him. "Hewo," Wil said, getting a sudden burst of energy and sitting up. "Wil, sweetie, Tommy would like to try to be little like you, could you maybe share some of your things with him?," Tubbo asked softly.

"Otays!," Wilbur agreed instantly and stood up to grab his bag. Wilbur handed his bookbag to Tubbo, who reached inside and grabbed a paci, a bottle, and a oversized hoodie that he knew were all extra stuff just in case so he wouldn't be using any Wilburs main things.

Tubbo handed Tommy the hoodie and a pair of pajama pants that Tommy didn't even know he had, telling him to change. Tommy at the moment was wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants. Tommy went to change and Tubbo went to the kitchen to put juice in the bottle.

Tommy walked back into Tubbos room slowly, with his hands resting at his sides. "Aww you look adorable Tommy!," Ranboo cooed at the other,  making him smile a bit. "Do you feel different?," Ranboo asked. "A little," Tommy said quietly, walking over to Ranboo who was sitting on Tubbos bed.

Tommy sat next to Ranboo and slowly put his head on Ranboos lap, while putting his feet up on the bed. This is how Ranboo knew it was working because Tommy was rarely this affectionate unless he was tired.

Tubbo walked back into the room and almost cooed at the sight of Tommy cuddling into Ranboos chest and Ranboo playing with Tommy hair. "Ahem," Tubbo said softly, careful not to scare Tommy who was clearly slipping. "H- hi Tubbo," Tommy said slowly.

"Hello sweetheart," Tubbo replied, he knew that littles love nicknames because of Wilbur so he figured he could get Tommy to slip faster with the nickname. Tommys eyes widened a bit when he heard the name but he closed them again after, appreciating Ranboos soft hands playing with his hair.

"I-I feel small," Tommy mumbled, opening his eyes again to look up at Tubbo. "How old do you feel little one?," Tubbo asked gently, setting the bottle of juice on the table. Tommy held 2 fingers up, before putting one down. "Aww such a small boy!," Ranboo cooed at Tommy.

Just then Wilbur got up from the couch and got on the bed, leaning on Ranboos shoulder. "We have two little boys on our hands today huh?," Tubbo said, giggling at the sight of Ranboo being trapped.

"Hey boys, how about we lay down?," Ranboo suggested. Both boys said nothing, but moved a bit so Ranboo could lay back against Tubbos headboard. Wilbur laid on the inside cuddling into Ranboos side and Tommy laid on the outside, putting his head on Ranboos chest and wrapping his arms around one of Ranboos arms.

Ranboo used his other arm to stroke Wilburs hair, making the little more sleepy. "Tommy would you like a pacifier?," Tubbo asked the half asleep little who nodded in response, feeling too small to talk. Tubbo simply popped the pacifier in Tommys mouth and went to put the bottle in the fridge for later.

After Wilbur fell asleep, Ranboo started playing with Tommys hair again, remembering that that makes him sleepy from earlier. Tommy cuddled closer into Ranboos side. "It's okay little one It's alright sweetie," Ranboo reassured the other.

Ranboo felt his chest getting a bit wet and he looked down, seeing Tommy crying into his chest. "What's wrong hun?," Ranboo asked worriedly, sitting up a bit. "I don' know! Feel sad boo, "Tommy said, whispering the last part.

"Oh baby come here," Ranboo sat up, careful not to wake Wilbur, and pulled Tommy into his lap. He rocked both of them back and forth and whispered reassuring words to the little, who was now full on sobbing now.

 "Shh it's alright, let it out hun," Ranboo whispered to Tommy. Tommy was starting to clam down when Tubbo came back into the room. "Oh Toms what's wrong?," Tubbo asked, walking over to the bed. Tommy only whimpered and dug his face more into Ranboos chest.

"Can I tell Tubbo baby?," Ranboo asked, he didn't want to upset the little more. Tommy nodded and rubbed at his irritated eyes. "He says he feels sad but he doesn't know why," Ranboo said, rubbing Tommys back. "Aww sweetie It's okay," Tubbo said, walking to his bed and sitting down facing Tommy.

Tommy whined and wiped aggressively at his eyes again. "Oh bubas don't do that, you'll hurt yourself!," Tubbo said, reaching out and grabbing Tommys hands to stop him from rubbing his eyes. Tommy whined again and tried to pull his hands out but gave up soon after.

"I have eye drops hun it helps so your eyes don't hurt, do you want some?," Ranboo suggested. Tommy nodded and looked up at Ranboo. "Baba I hungy," Tommy said quietly. "Alright bub let's go get you some food, but first look up for me?," Ranboo said. When Tommy looked up he quickly put the drops in his eyes.

"All good okay come sweetie," Ranboo effortlessly picked up Tommy and put him on his hip. He assumed that Tommy wouldn't want to walk especially because of his young age. Tommy rested his head on Ranboos shoulder as he carried Tommy downstairs.

"Do you want apple sauce hun?," Ranboo asked when they reached the kitchen. "Yes p'ease," Tommy replied, he seemed to be feeling better. Ranboo set Tommy down at the table and reached for the apple sauce jar in the fridge, putting some in a bowl and grabbing a baby spoon.

Tommy happily kicked his feet under the table and sucked on the paci in his mouth. He clapped excitedly when Ranboo walked over to him. "Okay Toms I got you some apple sauce and your bottle from earlier," Ranboo explained, sitting next to him at the table.

"T'ank buba," Tommy mumbled, looking up at Ranboo. Ranboo smiled softly at the nickname and moved the spoon towards Tommys mouth.

-Time skip <After he finished feeding Tommy>

Ranboo and Tommy were laying on the couch, Tommy laying on top on Ranboo with his head in the crook of Ranboos neck. "T'ank 'us buba," Tommy whispered. "For what?," Ranboo chuckled. "For helpin' mes, I no' sad 'more," Tommy mumbled, Ranboo could tell the little was very tired.

"Of course bub, always," Ranboo said. "Can I be your caregiver hun?," Ranboo asked. "Mm buba," Tommy replied, slowly falling asleep. Tommy slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep with all his worries melting away, knowing that his caregiver would be there when he woke up.

A/N: I'm very sorry for being dead for the past like two weeks- but uh I'm back! With a long chapter for you guys :] anyways thanks for reading! Make sure to eat, drink water, and get lots of rest bye!<3 -A

Word count: 1411

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