Rainy days (wil+techno)

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Littles: Wilbur (5) Techno (2)
Cgs: Phil, Kristin

Plot: On rainy days the boys are allowed out to play but this particular rainy day was very stormy, Wilbur didn't like that too much.

Tw/Cws: Crying, small tantrum/meltdown, Techno gets overwhelmed.

Requested by: LittleBleedingEyes

"Papa?," A head of pink hair peeked around the corner shyly. "Hi buba, what's wrong?," Phil smiled gently at his son, sometimes the oldest but usually the youngest of the small family.

"Is rainin'," Techno pointed to the window in the kitchen where rain was pitter pattering on the glass.

"I see that," Phil chuckled a bit. Techno was obviously sent by Wilbur, the brunette absolutely loved rain and would always beg to be let out so he could splash around and have fun in the water.

"C'mon Tech. Let's go find your brother, yeah?," Phil held out a hand and smiled when Technos cold hand grabbed his warm one.

"Wil?," Phil called as he walked into the living room. Wilbur was staring out the window, excitement clouding his face as his cheeks were squished against the cool glass.

Kristin was sitting next to him on the couch, a fond look on her face as she watched her son.

"Daddy! Look!," Wilbur rambled happily about the rain, not moving his face from the window.

Phil smiled and let out a small sigh. "Hi hun," He acknowledged Kristin first and placed Techno next to her, the younger immediately leaning on her.

"Wil, sweetie, we can't go out today. It's too windy and cold," Phil sat on the couch arm, right next to Wilbur.

"Huh?," A look of hurt immediately washed over Wils face. He loved the rain! He wanted to play and have fun, why wouldn't his daddy let him have fun?

"You'll get sick button," Phil tried to reason with the mentally five year old but he wasn't having it.

"No rain?," Wilburs voice broke a bit and he looked about ready to cry. "But- but I love rain," Wilburs eyes filled with tears.

"Buddy-," Phil began but was cut off with Wilbur beginning to cry. It started off small but the crying steadily grew louder.

Nobody really knew why Wilbur was so upset that he couldn't go out in the rain but this was something he looked forward to everytime it rained. This was something that Wilbur could rely on. Something that wouldn't change.

Soon the boy was wailing loudly. He was just so upset and sad. He didn't understand that he was making Techno overwhelmed or that he was being difficult.

Techno eventually joined in on the crying, the youngest having his hands clasped over his ears as he sobbed.

Phil and Kristin shared a worried look. They silently communicated then stood up at the same time.

Techno was brought to the kitchen and Phil helped Wilbur away from the window.

"Wil, I'm sorry but you can't go out. You'll get all icky and sick,' Phil pet Wilburs head gently, the little now calming a bit.

Wilbur was mostly calm aside from the small sniffles and hiccups here and there, his thumb rested in his mouth and Phil, not wanting another meltdown, left it there.

Phil still didn't know exactly why he reacted the way he did but everything was okay now.

Phil laughed softly when he saw Kristin pop her head into the living room slowly.

He motioned for her to come, Wilbur was calm now and Techno should be alright considering the loud crying was the thing making him upset.

Kristin carried Techno, who now had a sippy cup which he wasn't drinking from and a pacifier in his mouth, back into the living room.

She set him on the couch then got up, despite the boys babbling for her, and turned on the tv.

"Movie night boys?," She asked, holding up the remote in a taunting way. Both boys mumbled responses which were murmures of 'yes' and 'uh huh' .

Kristen put a Disney movie on, 'Encanto' to be exact, and went back to Techno. "Mama mama," Techno babbled softly, holding his arms out for his mother. (Baby techno>>>)

Kristen lifted him up and set him down on her lap, Techno immediately curling up into a ball against her.

Wilbur hesitantly leaned against Kristins shoulder and let out a small content sigh.

"You're alright now bun?," Kristin asked the brunette softly, reaching a hand up to pat the soft hair that resembled her own.

"Mm, daddy make it all better," Wilbur mumbled quietly. His head fell forward as sleep threatened to wash over him.

Kristin helped resituate the little with a bit of help from Phil. "Ni ni mama, ni ni daddy," Wilbur opened and closed his hand slightly in a small wave.

"Ni ni baby," Kristin kissed Wilburs head gently. "Ni ni bud," Phil smiled at Wilbur softly.

The pair watched as Wilbur drifted off, Techno had already fell asleep, with fond smiles.

"Well, that was a adventure," Phil said with a laugh, thankfully their boys were heavy sleepers.

Kristin and Phil talked for hours waiting for the two to wake up, the movie had been forgotten about long ago and they only needed each other's company to keep them happy.

There would probably be more tantrums in the future but they would be fine with them because they didn't care how much their children acted out, they just cared about them.

A/N: So so sorry for the wait for this :,) school is kicking my butt -T<3

Word count: 922

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