busy (wilbur)

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Little: Wilbur (2)
Cgs: Niki, Phil

TWs: Upset little, neglectful /bad cg, guilt tripping, uncensored swearing.

"Da! ma'e a pwetty dawin' for you!," Wilbur announced excitedly, running into the living room. "I'm busy Wil, not right now," Phil rejected him and walked out the room to the kitchen, leaving the little visably upset. "B- but dawin'!," Wilbur protested, rushing after him. "No Wilbur, I'm serious. I'm very busy I need to meet up with Techno, then make dinner, then go pick up Tommy from Tubbos. I have too much to do today, I'm sorry," .

"Oh 'm sowwy da," Wilbur walked away with his head down. He had just wanted his picture hung on the fridge but instead he felt guilty, his father shouldn't have to do so much it just didn't seem fair. He tried to force himself to be big, he really did! But instead he was left alone in the big house feeling smaller and scared and just overall lonely.

He felt the urge to be held and rocked but his caregiver was gone and nobody else but his family knew about his regression. He didn't feel safe by himself but he had nowhere to go so he just sat in the living room, chewing on his finger and waiting paitently for his father.

Before he knew it, the boy had been waiting for two hours and he had started crying. He was hungry and thirsty and tired and uncomfortable in his big clothes. He decided to go see Niki but before he went he would have to change. He couldn't be big, he had tried so many times but he was too upset and sad to be big so he needed to be taken cared of.

He struggled to change for ten minutes before finally managing to do it. He had changed into a baby blue shirt, black jean-short overalls, and a yellow sweater on top and on his feet he wore soft blue socks and black sneakers that had no laces. He stuffed a paci, a sippy cup, and his crocheted blue sheep that Techno made him into a small bookbag and was on his way, making sure to lock the door with a lot of struggle.

He knows Niki knows what regression is but she had never cared for or been around a little before so she would accept him but the real question is would she care for him until Phil is back? After a bit of walking and a lot of thinking he finally arrived at his best friends house.

He softly knocked on the door and sat down on the porch with his knees up and his head in his knees. Niki opened the door and was confused before looking down and seeing Wilbur. "Wil, what's wrong?," Niki asked in her familiar soft voice. Wilbur instantly felt safe upon hearing her voice and he got up and hugged her.

"Are you alright? you're crying," Niki was genuinely worried for him. When he stood quiet Niki invited him inside and he took the offer. "Wil, you need to tell me whats wrong please," Niki turned around from locking the door to look at him. "dada too busy, is my fault," Wilburs slurred speech was a bit hard to understand but Niki was starting to realize what was going on.

"Wilby, how old are you, love?," Wilbur was surprised at this question but hesitantly held up 2 fingers. "And how long were you left alone?," Niki moved towards him, taking off his bookbag and looking inside. "Too long, very long," Wilbur was tired and talking was making him fustrated since he couldn't do it that well at his age.

Niki put his paci in his mouth and patted his head. "It's quite hot in here do you want to take off your sweater?," Wilbur nodded his head and once it was off he clung to it as if it was a blanket. "I see you're tired hun but you need to eat first, do you want some apple sauce?," Niki hadn't been a caregiver before but she did use to babysit Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy when they were younger and she cares for Micheal from time to time too.

"Appie sauce?," Wilbur was glad to know that Niki would take care of him and not reject him as his father did. "Of course let's go to the kitchen and you can finish telling me about what dada did or said to you," . "Otay," Wilbur liked this idea and he also liked how kind Niki was towards him.

Once Wilbur had finished telling Niki everything and finished his snack he was settled on Nikis comfortable couch with his sippy filled with warm milk, a soft blanket, his paci, and his stuffed sheep named friend. "t'ank you," Niki heard Wilbur say from the couch. "for what bub?," she finished taking his shoes off and sat next to Wilbur, putting his head on her lap.

"For bein' nice a-an' not leaving me,". "Oh sweetie, It's the least I could do! I wouldn't ever leave you, you're too cute!," Niki playfully booped the others nose and he giggled before smiling softly and drifting off to sleep.

☆Time skip- 30 minutes later☆

Niki heard a knock at the door and carefully stood up, making sure to not wake the little on her couch. She rushed to the door when there was a louder knock. "Hold on!," She said, opening the door to reveal Phil. "is Wilbur here?," Phil looked a bit mad but that didn't stop Niki.

"Oh the nerve you have!," she stepped outside so she wouldn't wake Wilbur. "I get that you think Wilbur is "supposed to be a adult" but you should have NEVER guilttripped him when he's in the mindset of a child! He's always going to remember that. You're supposed to take care of him. If you're going somewhere, take him with you or find somebody to babysit him and if you can't do that you shouldn't have taken the role of his caregiver. He was so sad earlier because he thought you were leaving him!,".

"Well maybe if he would ac-," Phil couldn't even finish his sentence before Niki shut him up. "What the actual fuck Phil! he doesn't need to "act his age" that's his coping method, wouldn't you much rather him regress from time to time than him be stressed and upset all the time? And you know he absolutely hates those words!," .

"I swear sometimes you're just such a shitty father, and Wilbur will be staying with me until he's not little anymore then it'll be his decision where to go, bye Philza," Niki walked back into the house, all her anger slowly melting away when she looked at the adorable little on her couch still asleep.

A/N: I got this idea randomly yesterday. Thanks for reading! Make sure to eat, drink water, and gets lots of rest bye! -A

Word count: 1166

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