Store trip (Punz)

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Little: Punz (5-2)
Cg: Karl
Others: Daisy (service dog), random rude person

Tw/Cws: Getting lost, insensitive comments towards invisible disabilities, asking to pet service animal, fear of abandonment, going non verbal.

Note: This was requested by somebody a while ago and they asked if I could make Punz autistic and give him a service animal, Daisy the dog, so I agreed. Punz, to our knowledge, isn't actually autistic but he is in this chapter. Anyway remember that invisible disabilities exist and that it's incredibly rude (and against the law) to ask somebody what their disability is:) -M, a autistic person.

Karl grabbed Punzs hand for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

A simple trip to the store was all they needed to do today but, with a small Punz, it wasn't going exactly how they planned.

Punz was easily distracted, especially while regressed. Therefore a giant grocery store wasn't exactly ideal.

He had wandered off multiple times in the last fifthteen minutes alone. Something would catch his eye and he'd walk off to go see it, leaving Karl panicked while he searched for the five year old. Daisy wasn't helping much either. She was always on Punzs side.

☆<Earlier that Day>☆

"Alright Punzo, we're leaving now 'kay? That means you gotta hold Karls hand," Karl extended his hand out to the younger and smiled when Punzs clammy hand closed around his own. Karl laughed when Daisy bumped his other hand with her snout.

"Mkay Karl, we go now?," Punz was clearly excited to be going. He had been trapped inside all day! He just wanted to go outside.

"Yeah, let's go," Karl opened the door with his free hand and helped Punz out the door, closing it with his foot.

He turned to lock the door and when he turned back around Punz was shifting from foot to foot, clearly impatient.

"Alright kiddo we're going," Karl laughed a bit and started walking.

Punz rambled the entire way, keeping both himself and Karl entertained during the short walk.

When they arrived Karl couldn't help but worry about Punz. This was a pretty big store and despite him having Karl and Daisy he got overwhelmed very easily, especially while regressed. Luckily the place was pretty empty, only a few customers and employees wandering around. They should be fine.


"Buddy, I know you wanna see everything but you gotta hold Karls hand. I just don't want you to get lost," Karl tried his hardest to be patient with the boy but he was getting a bit frustrated.

"Sorry Karl," Punz mumbled sadly, softly squeezing Karls hand. "It's okay kiddo, we're almost done, okay?," Punz nodded, giving Karl a small smile.

"Alright, onwards!," Punz giggled at the funny voice that Karl did and made sure that Daisy was still with him as they began to walk towards the frozen aisle.

Upon entering the aisle Karl told Punz to stand by the cart while he got some stuff.

Punz agreed, although a bit sadly, and stood next to the full cart.

"Daisy," Punz mumbled, turning to look for the dog. Punz looked around, growing panicked quickly when they couldn’t see her anywhere.

"Daisy?," Punz called, wandering into the next aisle.

"Daisy!," He sighed in relief when he spotted the golden puppy standing in the aisle. Her tail began wagging quickly when she spotted her boy.

"Daisyyy, you can't go off all alone!," Punz scolded the dog lightly with a pout, though they started giggling immediately when she licked his hand.

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