Nap time (tom+tub)

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Cg: Wilbur Littles: Tommy (4) Tubbo (1)

Tw/Cws: Crying, fussing.

Requested: Marz_Barz__

Third person pov:

Wilbur slowly closed the bedroom door with a soft click, holding his breath. He let out a puff of air when Tommy didn't cry from inside the room.

Naptime was always a nightmare when Tommy had a little day, especially because of Tommys extreme separation anxiety.

Wilbur stiffened when he heard crying but confusion replaced his emotions when he realized the crying wasn't coming from his brothers room.

Wilbur followed the crying, which was gradually getting louder, until he reached the living room.

His eyes widened as he spotted Tubbo sobbing on the couch and Wilbur rushed to the others aid.

"Tubbo what's wrong?" Wilbur checked for injuries or a temperature but Tubbo seemed physically fine.

Tubbo shook his head and clung onto Wilburs baby blue sweater. Wilbur was confused to say the least but he was almost certain he'd seen this behavior with Tommy before.

Though the last time Tommy was like this he was extremely young, which was rare for him.

"Tubzo?," Tubbo looked up at Wilbur then shook his head and put his head on Wilburs shoulder.

Wilbur moved from crouching in front of the couch and sat on the couch next to Tubbo.

"Toby buddy, age?," Wilbur asked gently and Tubbo took a minute to process the question then slowly put a single shaky finger up.

Wilbur couldn't help the coo that escaped his mouth and Tubbo, being easily flustered, hid his face in Wilburs sweater.

Wilbur moved Tubbo so he was carrying him like a koala would carry their baby.

Tubbo gripped onto Wilburs sweater, this time more near his chest, and laid his head next to his hand, which was clenched onto the soft fabric.

Wilbur tickled Tubbos side a bit causing the baby to giggle. Everyone who had ever been around Tubbo loved his giggle, his face would scrunch up and his smile was adorably precious.

Wilbur smiled fondly at the boy.

Once Tubbo stopped laughing there was a minute of silence before the boy whined softly and attempted to rub at his eyes, Wilbur putting a stop to it immediately.

"Bee you'll hurt yourself," Wilbur shook his head at Tubbo with a amused smile. "Are you tired honeybee?," Tubbo nodded his head as fast as his small mind would let him without hurting himself.

Wilbur laughed and sat up, situating the boy better in his arms. Wilbur stood up and made his way to the kitchen with Tubbo.

Tubbo was set down on the counter and Wilbur moved to the fridge where a bottle was. The bottle was for if Tommy woke up younger then usual but that was a rare occasion and Tubbo needed it way more.

"Want a bottle buba?," Wilbur glanced over at the boy who had apparently taken interest in playing with the zipper on his jumper rather then Wilburs question.

"Tubs?," Wilbur asked again and this time he got a hum in response which he took as a yes, because really what little could resist angle milk?

Wilbur put the bottle in the microwave, taking the lid off beforehand, and waited for the timer to go down.

He opened the microwave as the timer hit one second so the beep couldn't scare the baby next to him and grabbed the bottle.

After the lid of the bottle was back on Wilbur picked Tubbo up again, this time having him rest on his hip, and made his way upstairs.

As soon as he reached the second floor he heard more crying. Wilbur rushed into Tommy's room, as quickly he could with Tubbo in his arms.

Tommy was sitting up in the bed hugging his knees to his chest. "What's wrong sunshine?," Tommy looked up with teary eyes and reached out for Wilbur.

Tubbo was set down on the bed and handed his bottle then Wilbur turned to Tommy.

"It's okay little star, I'm here," Wilbur sat on the bed and let Tommy climb into his lap. Tommy laid against Wilburs chest and reached out for Tubbo.

" 'ubbo?," Tommy mumbled, catching the littles attention. Tubbo crawled over the Tommy and laid against him, his bottle being handed to him by Wilbur.

Tubbo was the first to fall asleep, his half full bottle being placed on the bedside table. Tommy was next to go, his hands were entangled in Wilburs hair which he had played with until the sleepiness got to him.

Wilbur let his head fall back against the beds headboard, his own tiredness was catching up on him and he slowly let his eyes close.

Wilburs grip tightened just slightly on the two boys as he drifted off to sleep.

A/N: so sorry this took so long to come out but hope you enjoyed! I didn't have a prompt for this for the longest time but finally I thought of something! Thanks for reading, Love you guys! -A<3

Words: 831

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