Streaming (Skeppy)

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Little: Skeppy (4-1)
Cg: Badboyhalo

Tw/Cws: Small moment of Skeppy being upset. That's all:)

Requested by: ashtonistaken

"Darryl..?," Skeppy mumbled softly, peeking into his best friends room. Bads head snapped up at the sudden, though quiet, voice.

"Hi Zak," Bad smiled softly at the younger, he pressed mute on his mic before he spoke.

"What's up?," Bad noticed Skeppys slightly off state. He was currently looking around Bads stream room with a childlike gaze, his body still partially out the room.

"Uhh, I dunno," Skeppy shrugged half heartedly. Nothing was wrong he was just bored and maybe a bit tired.

"Skep c'mere," Bad opened his arms for Skeppy and the younger walked towards him, leaning into his touch as soon as Bad wrapped him into a hug.

Bad obviously knew he was small, being his caregiver for many years, but he wanted Skeppy to tell him instead of assuming. They were working on using their words more often after all.

Bad scooted back in his chair and let Skeppy sit on his lap (istg don't make this weird). He motioned to the younger to hush then clicked his unmute button.

It wasn't rare for Bad to stream with a small Skeppy sitting on his lap, in fact it had become a usual thing.

After about ten minutes, Skeppy resituated himself so he was sitting the other way. He laid his head on Bads chest and closed his eyes.

Soft breaths and quiet snores reached Bads ears and he smiled down at Skeppy. He put his arm around the boy protectively.

Skeppy blinked slowly as he woke up. He sat up slowly, whining quietly at his sore muscles.

He looked around the room confused before looking up at Bad who he'd forgotten was even there.

Bad was looking down at him with a amused smile on his face. "Had a good rest?," Bad asked playfully.

Skeppy only whined and flopped back down. He had aged down drastically in his sleep and while he had been around four before he was now teetering on babyspace.

"Buba end stweam?," Skeppy asked slowly. He was usually talkative despite his age.

"Mhm, I ended so you could sleep more comfortably," Bad cooed at the younger. Skeppy really was adorable.

"Buba end... fo' me?," Skeppy didn't like that, not one bit. He never really liked when people did things for him. It made him feel selfish.

"But.. but," He couldn't figure out the words to explain it properly. Especially not when his mind felt like apple sauce.

"What's wrong, button?," Bad was worried now, Skeppy looked on the verge of tears.

"Peoples be mad cus' buba ended fo' me n'- n' dey not wike dat," Skeppy tensed up as he said this.

"Oh baby, nobody will be mad at you. They don't even know why I ended, don't worry muffin," Bad wrapped his arms around his little and squeezed gently.

"P'omise?," Skeppy held up a weak pinky as he said this, his hand shaky due to the unexpected weight of it.

"Pinky promise," Bad intertwined Skeppys pinky in his gently. Skeppy smiled brightly and, despite his still tired eyes, Bad could tell he was genuinely happy.

"Alright, wanna get up?," Bads legs had fell asleep around two hours ago and his muscles were screaming at him to get up and stretch.

Despite Skeppy still very much wanting to lay on his dada, he agreed with a nod of his head.

"Okay, up we go," Bad stood and lifted Skeppy up in the process. The younger was shorter then Bad by several inches.

Bad carried Skeppy to his room (bads room) and set him down on the bed.

"What do you wanna do bub?," Bad asked with a fond smile. Skeppy just stared at him for a moment silently.

" 'nything wif dada," Skeppy finally responded. He reached out and poked Bads cheek.

"Cuddles?," Bad suggested, he knew Skeppy was still tired. Skeppy nodded slowly and reached out for Bad, making grabby hands in a attempt to grab Bads shirt.

"Alright Sugar, come," Bad laid on the bed on his back and reached out for the little who gleefully went to his dada.

Skeppy laid on Bad and snuggled into the brunette while Bad wrapped his arms around his torso. "So wawm dada, wawm n' nice," Skeppy mumbled sleepily.

Bad chuckled fondly at the boy in his arms, he squeezed him a bit and smiled. "All cozy?," Bad asked, a slight coo mixed in his tone.

Skeppy only hummed and smiled a dopey smile.

"Are you sleepy baby bear?," Bad asked softly. He moved one hand to rest it in Skeppys hair, lightly scratching at Skeppys scalp.

Skeppy shivered slightly and sighed contently. "Mhm, 'eepy," Skeppy whispered. Bad thought he was the cutest ever, he had to resist the urge to squish his soft cheeks.

Bad said nothing as he watched the baby, his baby, doze off. He couldn't possibly ruin this soft, fuzzy moment by breaking the comfortable silence.

His arms tightened protectively as Skeppy fell into a comfortable sleep.

He loved these moments. Moments when he would care for his little with no interruptions or issues. Soft moments where he could hold his baby in his arms and kiss his head tenderly. Moments when he could show Skeppy his adoration and love for his best friend.

He loved his little, his best friend, with all his heart.

AN: I kinda strayed from the original prompt oopsies 😅-M<3

Word count: 918

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