Alcohol isn't for littles (Wilbur)

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Little: Wilbur (age unknown) Cg: Phil Extras: Tommy (over phone)

Prompt: Wilbur and Phil go to a pub and drink but the alcohol doesn't sit right with Wil.

Tw/Cws: Alcohol, Throwing up, Crying.

Phil chuckled as Wilbur tripped down the stairs of his house, just barely catching himself on the railings.

"Careful mate," Phil chuckled and placed a hand on Wilburs shoulder as they began walking down the street.

"I chose a pub close by just in case one of us get sick," Phil walked ahead as he said this and opened the door to a bar. Wilbur immediately flinched as the loud music poured out the bar and into the empty streets.

The pair entered the pub and found a table that had two seats, they weren't looking for any unwelcomed company therefore two seats were enough.

They sat and ordered two beers to start off with. Phil knew how lightweight Wilbur was, he usually got very drunk very fast.

<time skip>

Wilbur giggled happily as Phil told him a story. He wasn't even listening to the story he was just in a giggly mood.

"Phil!," Wilbur gasped suddenly, Phil looking up at him slightly panicked. "We should call Tommy!," Wilbur had a dopey grin on his face.

Phil exhaled slowly. "Yeah, sure mate," He smiled as Wilbur grabbed his phone and immediately dialed the teens number.

They'd only had about three drinks and Wilbur was already incredibly drunk.

"Hello?," Tommy's confused voice could be heard through the phones speaker. "Tommy!," Wilbur slurred out.

"Hi wil, you alright?," Tommy was concerned to say the least. "Yeah! Me and Phil are in a pub," Wilbur looked so happy, Phil smiled at him gently.

His excitement could easily be mistaken as a childs excitement when they got to see their friends after a long summer break.

"Okay, can I speak to Phil?," Wilbur nodded, his brain not processing the fact that Tommy couldn't see him, and the phone was handed to Phil.

"How many drinks did he have?," Tommy asked Phil, Phil just laughed. As Tommy and Phil spoke Wilbur began to notice a slightly sickly feeling in his stomach.

It was very faint and he could barely feel it with the effects of the alcohol but it was definitely there.

He ignored it and took his phone when it was handed back to him, noticing Phil had hung up.

"Tommy has to stream early tomorrow and can't stay to talk," Phil explained when Wilbur pouted.

"Mkay," The brunette mumbled, tapping his fingers on the table distracted with something.

He absent-mindedly reached for his drink, Phils hand stopping him gently. "I think that's enough mate," Phil chuckled and Wilbur shrugged, putting his hand in his lap.

"Phil?," Wilbur mumbled slowly. "Hm?," Phil hummed while taking a sip of water.

"Feel a bit weird," The feeling had gotten stronger and now the younger felt incredibly nauseous.

Phil stared at Wilbur a bit and when he went to put his head down Phil decided it was time to go.


"Alright Wil, up we go," Phil gently grasped Wilburs arm and helped him stand.

Wilbur must've blanked out because the bill was payed and Phil was now standing next to him, a concerned look on the olders face.

"Okay," Wilbur mumbled, leaning mostly on Phil as he felt incredibly unstable.

They left the pub, Wilbur sighing in relief as the music no longer hurt his head, and walked down the block.

Wilbur was leaning on Phil, his head on the blonds shoulder.

"Wil," Phil mumbled, trying to find Wilburs keys in the youngers jacket. Wilbur stood up and leaned on the wall, a hand clasped over his mouth.

As soon as the door was opened Wilbur ran inside. He immediately ran to the bathroom, Phil trailing behind him.

Phil could only comfort Wil as he threw up, rubbing the brunettes back and making sure his hair was out of his face.

Wilbur leaned forward when he finished. "Wil?," Phil asked worriedly from behind him. "Just a sec," Wilbur whispered.

Wilbur moved so he was on the floor laying against the wall, his eyes closed as tears slowly trailed down his face. Phil flushed the toilet and stood up, going to get a glass of water for Wil.

Wilbur absolutely hated throwing up. It was painful and the aftermath was so much worse, a sore throat and the vile taste in his mouth mixed with the remains of alcohol in his body were making him very upset.

"Wilbur," Wilbur glanced up at Phil and took the cup he was handed. He slowly sipped the water.

"T'ank you," Wilbur didn't notice when his voice slurred slightly and if Phil did he didn't mention it.

The cup was handed back to Phil with a shaky hand and Wilbur stood up carefully, his legs shaking violently. Whether that was because of his headspace now crashing down on him or the fact he had just thrown up he didn't know, or maybe he just didn't care.

Phil helped Wilbur to his room and didn't seem bothered when Wilbur grabbed onto Phils hoodie when the older tried to walk away. He also didn't seem annoyed to tuck Wilbur into bed when he had asked very sweetly.

"Stay? Pease," Wilbur looked incredibly tired, his eyes closing against his will. "Okay Wil," Phil said softly, a small smile on his lips.

He didn't know exactly why Wil was acting more clingy then usual, especially since Wilbur usually didn't like affection all too much even while drunk, but he didn't mind.

It reminded him of a child clinging to their parent in a way.

Phil laid in the bed next to Wil and though he was surprised when Wilbur laid his head on his chest he didn't hesitate to wrap the younger in a warm hug.

"Ni ni," Wilbur slurred out, his eyes closing and his body relaxing. "Good night Wil," Phil responded in a soft voice that would usually be used for a baby.

Wilburs breathing slowed and his grip, still holding Phils hoodie, loosened as he fell asleep.

Phil himself didn't quite understand but whatever had happened seemed to calm Wilbur and that was all that mattered.


Wilbur blinked slowly, his brain beginning to remind him of yesterday. He laid his head down once again but froze when a soft laugh sounded in his ears.

"Mornin' mate," Phil said, his tone still soft and a smile could be heard with his words.

"Hi phil," Wilbur responded, his voice muffled against Phils chest.

"I'm sorry," Wilbur mumbled, tears filling his eyes. He had just messed up the best friendship he'd ever had and all because of a stupid (not stupid) coping mechanism.

"For what? I'm still here aren't I?," Phil laughed as he said this, sitting up a bit. When Wilbur sat up Phil wiped his tears away gently.

"I looked it up when you were asleep," Phil explained when Wilburs face flashed a look of confusion.

"Oh," Wil felt his face heat up, a red hue on his cheeks and ears. "No need to be embarrassed, now let's get some breakfast," Phil chuckled and stood up, stretching as he did.

"You can be little if you want," Phil said when Wilburs face showed uncertainty. Wilbur stood up, wobbling as he did, and walked over to Phil.

He flopped into Phils arms and they stood like that. Phil holding the boy and Wilbur slowly regressing at the comfortness of the warm embrace.

"T'ank you," Wilbur whispered and Phil just nodded, smiling gently though Wilbur couldn't see it.

A/N: Little Wilbur has a special place in my heart -T<3

Word count: 1286

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