Chapter 18: Awakening

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2 Days later

(Chase's POV)

I wake up and open my eyes, I am blinded by a bright Florescent light. I squint a bit before my eyes adjust. Once they have I look around and see I am in Medbay. Will is sleeping in a chair and Colem is talking to Jone, I also seem to be in imposter form...

Wait a minute


I start to stand up in a panic. James and Colem see me a Will starts to wake. I may panic I fall of the bed and crawl to the nearest vent and jump in I start to crawl away as fast as possible then I hear a clunk behind me, I look and see Colem behind me

"Wait" he says with concern but in my panic I keep crawling. I eventually creal in to a small vent section that they can't fit in. I can hear him still yelling for me but I keep going until I reach a vent great. I stop and try to ignore his pleas for me to come out.

(Colem's POV)

God damn it, I just want to help him. UHG this is going to be a pain to deal with. I crawl out of the vent to see William and James waiting.

"I lots him" I say

"What do you mean?" William says with concern

"He went in to the narrow vents so I couldn't follow him"

"What now?" James asks

I haul my self out and look at him "we tell the crew"

Soon we walk back in to the cafeteria

"How is he?" Kelly ask

"We lost him" James says

"HE'S DEAD" Kelly shouts

"NO NO, he woke up, got scared and ran away" I say

"Where is he now" Lilac asks

"In the deep ventilation, somewhere I can't fit"

"Well now what?" Kelly asks

"Now we just wait to see what happens"

"That's hardly a nic-"

"ALERT, ARRIVING AT MIRA IN 100 HOURS, PREPARE FOR DIS EMBARKING" the overhead announcement system rings out

"Oh fuck" I groan

"Well looks like waiting is out of the question, we need to get him out now" Kelly says with concern

"How?" I ask

"I don't know"

3 days later

24 hours till Landing on Mira

We are sitting in Catarina waiting, for what exactly we don't know, we just wait



A section of ventilation falls for the ceiling and with it comes Chase. We all stand there taking a moment to process what just happened. I run over to him, as dose Colem. We look at eachother as we lift him by the shoulders and haul him to med bay, Jones and Kelly follow us. When there we put him on one of the beds, grab the emergency blood and feed the drip tube in to his mouth again. Then we sit and wait, five hours pass and Kelly leaves to go work on final prep for landing, another 2 and Jones heads out to get some rest. And 1 hour after that Colem calls it a night. I don't know how long it takes, but I eventually fall asleep in the chair, my head resting against Chase's leg

5 hours later

(Chase's POV)

15 hours till Landing and Mira

Oh God my head hurts, I look around and see I am in Medbay once more, why do they keep saving me. I prepare to get up before I notice something. I look down and I see William asleep on my leg. I think for a moment before I relax my body. They care about me for some reason, and I don't know why I sit and I wait. I wait for him to wake up.

5 hours later

10 hours till Landing on Mira

I feel movement on my leg and see William starting to wake. He sit up before he looks at me

"chase" he says tiredly

"Why?" I ask

"What?" Ha says groggily

"Why did you go through all that effort to save me when you didn't have to"

"Because there is good in you, and I can see it."

I sit there in confusion, how could anyone see good in me, after all that I have done, how. I sit there thinking. He looks at me before scooting on the bed next to me. He hugs me and strokes my hair like I did to comfort him just a few weeks ago. We sit for a while before I hear foot steps, and I sit there ready to accept my fait at the hands of the crew. They all walk in and look at me before Kelly steps forward.

"We have been putting a lot of thought in what to do with you, and we have finally reached our conclusion"

"I under stand" I say meek knowing what comes next




"Your coming with us on to Mira, and we are going to find a way to save you"



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