Chapter 15: Breaking Point

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(Chase's POV)

Eight days later

I do not feel well in the slightest, I haven't eaten in so long, I plan to eject myself tomorrow morning, William is trying to convince me that I don't have to, that we can find an alternative, I know there isn't, so I will have to have a productive last day, to make things count.

12 hours later

I have done everything that I can, it I nearing dinner time and I am still working when I feel a tap on my shoulder

"Chase" William says

I take a deep breath "what's up Will." I respond.

"Are you sure there is nothing we can do to save you." William asks.

"No, there is not." I answer the question he already knew the answer to.

"When." he asked sorrow in his voice.

"Tomorrow morning before everyone wakes up." I reply

He hugs me "I am happy I was able to meet you." He smiles at me

"I am happy to have been able to meet you as well William." I smile tearing up a bit.

Soon we stop and get back to our jobs. We sit there in silence, soon Colem stops by.

"Hey Chase." Colem greets.

"Hey Colem, how you doing?" I ask.

"Fine, you?" I responds.

"Good, all things considered." I reply.

"Well I just want to stop by and say one last goodbye before you part tomorrow morning " he says

"How did you know." I asked surprised

"I was eavesdropping, it is my specialty, I am going to go to bed so I wanted to say hey to you, it was nice getting to know you." He says quietly

"Nice to know you as well Colem." I reply. With that he walked away, we continue to do your jobs until suddenly the emergency meeting alarm rings. Everyone is in the cafeteria soon.

"What is it now" Kelly says.

"We finally figured it out" Whyet says eagerly.

"What?" Kelly says.

"Who the imposter is." Whyet says gleefully.

"Who do you 'think' it is this time." Kelly responses with sass.

"The one person who has never had a solid alibi, the one who was never with someone when the murders happened, and some one who has bee oddly quiet." Whyet starts.

"Just get to the point" lilac says with annoyance.

"THE IMPOSTER IS WILLIAM JONES." Whyet screams out pointing at William

"ARE YOU CRAZY." William yells out.



"THIS IS MADNESS." Levi yells.

they can't actually think

"IT HAS TO BE." Whyet continues to yell.

no, he will get hurt

"STOP" Kelly yells as Whyet grabs Will and drags him away.

he will get killed

"DON'T YOU MOVE A MUSCLE" Madi yells as we are held at gunpoint by her as Whyet prepares to shot Will.

t-that can't happen

"ANY LAST WORDS" Whyet yells as he points the gun twords Will.


(William's POV)


"leave him alone" I look over to see Chase with rage in his eyes.

"WHAT WAS THAT." Whyet yells.

"I Said Leave HIM ALONE" his voice got distorted, he takes a step forward as Madi points her gun at him.

"WHAT THE HELL" Whyet yells


He charges Whyet and transforms in to his true form before he tackles Whyet. They crash to the ground as the others scream, Madi take her rifle and starts shooting Chase, Colem runs over and heaves me up and runs out of the room, as we run I continue to hear gun shots.

(Chase's POV)

(Gore warning)

I tear into Whyet's skin and flesh, he screams in pain, but I don't stop, I feel myself get shot, and I don't stop, I rip his arm off, I shove my claws into his stomach, and rip his innards out, he screams louder than anything I have ever heard before, he starts to cought up blood in-between screams, I start to shred his body and leave deep gashes and claw marks all over his torso, soon I watch the life flicker out of his eyes with tears still rolling out of them. I stand up before collapsing to the ground, I look out the window at the dark start void of space, and think to my self 'at least he is safe', I close my eyes and it all goes blank.

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