Chapter 12: Drama & Chaos

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(Kelly's POV)

3 Hours later in Medbay

I walk in to Medbay FUMING. WHAT Had gotten in to them, I was warned about potential problems, but this is absurd, now the three idiots are injured and we have to do all their jobs for them. I look around and see the three of them. Vee had bruises up and down her, Moon had more bruises up and down her and she had medical wrap on her arms and part of her torso. But Levi had it the worse, Lydia said that both his legs were fractured, two ribs were cracked, and his left arm was fully broken, he had multiple large bruises, and half his body was covered in medical wrap. Everyone was silent as I walked in.

"Ok" I say" what happened out there

I wait for a response when suddenly they all talk over each other, the talking soon go louder and louder until it turns to shouting.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP" I yell "Thank you, now let's do this one at a time, Levi, you first"

"I was sitting minding my business when they walked over and started flinging insults at me and yell"

"THAT IS NOT TRUE" Vee yells

"VEE" I yell, she stops and goes silent "continue"

"Then Moon swung her fist at me and so did Vee so I fought back"

I look over " Moon is this true"

"I did swing first,then Levi swung at me and Vee so Vee swung back and from there things got out of hand, as for the first part we stood up at the same time then we walked twords each other we shot comments at each other then he made a direct personal stab at Vee and I lost it and pinched him."

"Vee" I say

"It is true"

" What did he call her and why did it cause problems"

Moon walks up and whispers something in my ear " I see, ok, here is my verdict, Levi, you have no right to said what you said, neither did you need to attack Vee even though she did nothing to you. Moon, no matter what he said, that does not mean you need to attack him. And Vee, you are good here, no punishment will come to you. As for you two, you will be docked one week pay, there is no contesting or arguments about this, do you understand" I hear two meager yeses "Good, we can't have things like this happening, especially not with the current situation " and with that, I left Medbay to let them rest.

As I walk into cafeteria it is completely silent as everyone has gone completely quiet. As I sit down to finish my lunch, I hear something.





I look over in shock and see part of the vent laying on the floor.

"Long time no see." Says Kelly says.

"Hey Kels." Replies the mystery person

"What in Sam's hell" Chase says.

"This is Colem, Cole for short" Kelly responds "So how is gutter rat"

"Doing good." Colem says

"Good to hear." Kelly replies

"Welp, I got to get beck to work, oh and one more thing, the vents have been opened and moved by someone other than me, so keep in mind, the imposter might be using the vents. Bye"

Before anyone could say more they popes in to the vent and disappeared. At that point we all went back to work.

(3hours latter)

(Cole's POV)

I was walking around when I heard the message that work was over. I was walking back to the cafeteria when I heard something, a creaking, a vent. Then large heavy footsteps with out thinking I jump in the vents and peer out see velvet walking towards the foot steps before I can warn her a dark figure jumps from the shadows, lunges at her and all I see is an explosion of blood before I crawl through the vents as fast as I can. I get out in admin and run to cafe, the others look at me confused, but before they can voice there concerns I slam my hand down on the emergency button.

"WHAT'S GOING ON" Lilac asks.

"I-I just saw velvet get murdered." Stuttered Colem.

"WHAT" Kelly yells

Before long, everyone was in cafe.

"I was in the vent when I saw velvet walking by, the something darted from the shadow and killed her" explains Colem. The room is filled with gasps.

"How many people do we have to loss" Kelly says with tears in her eyes

Then the table erupts in to arguments and conversation soon voting is initiated but no one noticed and the vote was put as a skip. Soon we all quiet down and leave the table. Then I notice William and red are alone on the other side of the room, and so I decide that is I'm going to die on this trip. I walk over and try to strike up a conversation.

"Hi" I say nervously

"Hi" William replies, red just nods.

"How are y'all doing?" I say, I not very good at socializing.

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