Chapter 17: Derailed

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(Kelly's POV)

I have been through hundreds of hours of training on how to be a captain, and NOTHING could have prepared me for this. I look over at Colem and William on the other side of the table, I take a deep breath.

"Explain" I say.

"Explain what exactly?" Colem says.

"Just whatever this whole thing with Chase is" I respond.

"Well for the start ask Will" Colem points at him and all eyes fall to him.

He takes a deep breath "I found out about this 9 days ago, and I promised that I wouldn't turn him in if he stopped killing, he did. The next day Colem found out and agreed to this promise, that was after Tan died and as you know that was the last murder so he kept the promise. He was going to eject himself to try and protect us from him." William says.

"...ok?" I say.

"Then when he saw I was in danger, I guess he just decided to help me." William continues.

"Why would he do that." I ask.

"I guess it was because I helped him, he wanted to help me, I don't know ok, it was all so sudden." William responds

"Well I want you two to stay in Medbay with Chase. JAMES, go with these two, and see what you can do about Chase's injuries"

"Are You CRAZY, you want me to go save that MONSTER in there, what if he tries to kill ME." James screams

"William and Colem will make sure he doesn't, now go." I respond

(James' POV)

Why, Why is she sending me to help them, for Gods sake he killed my wife, why can't we just let him die, that thing is a monster. I walk in to Medbay with Will and Colem. Both of them take a seat while I asses the damage.

(30 minutes later)

I look at them "he will probably be ok, probably, I don't know anything about imposter anatomy. But I have to ask Why, Why is he killing people?"

"He told me it was because humans have the perfect nutritional value for them." William responds.

"Oh my God my wife was alien food, FUCKING ALIEN, WHAT THE HELL." I yell out.

I kick the wall a few times in anger

(Madison's POV)

God damn it my head hurts. I open my eyes to see that I am on the floor with the crew on the other side of the room cleaning up blood. What the hell hap-HIM. I stand up and start to try to run to Medbay some of the other crew mates sees me

"Hey hey hey, calm down," Kelly says.

"I-I CAN'T, I NEED TO TO STOP HIM." I yell out.

"Whoa, calm down he isn't going to hurt anyone anymore." Kelly responds.


I throw Kelly off of me.

"GRAB HER" She yells and soon Moon has my left arm and Vee has my right. And after some struggle I am pushed in to the janitor closet and the door is closed, but before I can open it I hear a thud. I try to open it, but the door is jammed.

(James' POV)

As we sit trying to figure out what to do next I hear screaming followed by a thud come from cafeteria. I walk out there to see the janitor closet held shut with a mop and someone is on the inside banging on the door.

Kelly looks over at me and says "Madi was not to happy so we had to put her in time out."

I crack a laugh form this before walking back in to Medbay, and Kelly follows me, we walk in and see Will and Colem still sitting there.

"Well what now" Kelly says.

"He is almost starved to death from not eating properly in over a week, but how do we feed him." William asks.

There is a moment of silence.

"We couLD FEed hIM MadI"(naw I I'm just joking)

"Kelly?" I ask

"Ya James" she responds

"What about all the extra medical blood bags that we have with us the were to be used for emergency fist aid." I say referring to the food situation.

"That could work." Moon pipes up.

I stands up and walk over the cold storage and grabs some blood bags, I connect them all to one tube and feed that in to Chase's mouth.

"That should work." I say.

"I hope so." Will murmurs.

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