Chapter 4: Revolting

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(Thank you to the guest Author for this chapter, Vee)

Third Point Of View

It's so loud, so gross, so revolting

The revolting sounds of her crewmate's eating flooded V's thoughts as she attempted to consume her lunch. It was overwhelming, annoying, revolting. She was getting aggravated, and that was certainly not a cute sight. Her mind spiraled as thought of different ways to punish her coworkers for disturbing her peace. Not that she would actually commit such a morbid act, but it was nice to think about shutting them up.

God, she hated the sound of chewing. What made it worse was that these heathens she called her crewmates would always talk with their mouths full. It was like they were raised homeless! It was bad enough that her day had started with a malfunction with the reactor, but not long after that she almost died from a lack of oxygen, and finally, to put the cherry on top she was stuck sitting in the cafeteria with a bunch of disrespectful hooligans! "So gross," she muttered.


V jolted up in shock at the voice of her best friend, "Oh my god, did I say that out loud!? No, it's nothing. Sorry, MoonMoon! I just got distracted. Can we get out of here, please?"

V could feel her friend's eyes looking her up and down. "You've barely touched your sandwich. What's up? Did the emergency scare you or something?"

V wasn't surprised at Moon's concern. It was in Moon's nature to be overly skeptical about everything. The shorter girl let out a genuine chuckle, "ME!? Scared of something as stupid as death? Oh please, Moon, don't be ridiculous." There was a moment of hesitation, and V let out a sigh. "I'm just feeling a bit overstimulated at the moment," she confessed, praying Moon would drop the subject and just leave with her. She knew it was unlikely that Moon would drop it, but it was more than probable that she would agree to leave the area right away. V was clearly not comfortable in the Cafeteria, and Moon was smart enough to be able to read that much. A needless nod was shared between the two, and they were able to excuse themselves.

"Hey guys, we're gonna dip," Moon spoke calmly.

"Dip? Are you alright," Asked Lilac.

V stepped up to speak next, "we're okay, thanks for your concern though, Lily! We'll be in my room if you need anything. Have a good lunch, everyone!"

While V would have liked to stay and socialize a bit in the Cafeteria she couldn't stand to hear anymore, it was too much. Besides, she had Moon and that was plenty enough for her! As soon as she was out of sight, V let out a low sigh of relief and picked up her pace. Moon mimicked her pace, sensing the ever-rising tension from her friend.

After what seemed like forever to V, they made it to the light pink door with her name engraved in gold into it. She threw the door open, rushing Moon inside, and carefully and silently shut it for the sake of not alarming anyone at the sound.

Noise, it was V's most sensitive of all her senses. She was always agitated by certain noises. Eating, any loud noise (though with this one it was more of a fear than something annoying to her), whispering, burping, high pitched noises, etc. It was all so revolting! Moon didn't know this. At least V didn't think she'd told her. Maybe she did and just didn't remember. V tended to overshare a lot, so she couldn't remember what she told people and what she hadn't.

V leaned her back onto her door and slipped down to the ground. Her room was completely spotless. She hated messes, they annoyed her really; so even when she had no motivation she forced herself to keep her room clean. It was a comfort to always have a lot of places to move around in. V really liked spacious areas.

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