Chapter 14: Trust

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(William's POV)

It is now 5:30 in the morning and I find myself sitting on my bed facing chase's bed and thinking to my self 'WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO.' I mean, I found who the imposter is, but on the other hand he isn't a bad person. I think.

Then Chase starts to stur.

"hey" I whisper

"hmm" he responds barley awake.

"So we need to talk"

"What's up" he says

"About this" I say pointing to him

He looks at me confused then realizes he is in his imposter form and starts to panic.

"Hey hey, clam down" I say as I stand up and walk twords him. He back up on his bed in to the corner.

"I need you to calm, down" he continues to backup and starts to cry. "I not going to hurt you" he looks over at me

"I'm sorry" he says

"I need to tell you something, I won't report you"


"Under 1 condition"


"You have to promise not to kill anyone anymore"

"Yes, I promise, not another person will get hurt"

"Ok, but if you do, I will report you and have you ejected"

He nods

"I'm sorry" he says meekly "I never wanted to hurt anyone, I tried to not think about it, but after meeting you, I found it harder and harder to kill them, these people you considered your friends, so I am sorry" he changes back to his human form.

"I will take your word for it, now let's go get breakfast"

      We leave the bunk and walk to the cafeteria where we see the remains of last night. I click the report button on my tablet and soon the whole crew walks in, they look like they could snap at any moment, at this point, we have all pretty much become desensitized to this some tears are shed, but we don't hold a meeting, we have all just clean it up and sit at the table. At this point we all have given up

"Any clues" Kelly says, the is an assortment of no's "ok,  well what now" there is silence

"Well, you could arm ourselves" Wyhet says

*With what" Kelly says

Madi and Wyhet pulls out guns


"We broke in to the cargo in the storage area" Madi says

"YOU WHAT" Kelly yells

"We were going to die anyways"

Kelly just sighs "what ever, it doesn't even matter anymore" with that, everyone went off to do thier jobs.

1 hour later

      I am in electrical with Chase working to keep this ship from falling apart when he turns and looks at me

"I need to head to O2 to do my maintenance there"

"Ight, see you later"

(Chase's POV)

     I change in to my imposter form and  hop in to the vent and star crawling my way to O2, I keep moving, I pass by Medbay where I see Jones crying his eyes out, god I'm such an asshole, something in my body tells me to go up there and apologize, but I can't, it is to risky I keep moving, I pass over cafeteria and the vent that is only held by a few screws, cling tightly to the roof as I cross it, I eventually go down through admin when suddenly I bump into to something

"ow fuck" I hear, I look up to see Colem




"your the imposter?"

"... maybe"

"Can you like move to the side a bit"

I move over as he crawls by "thank you" he says as he continues down the vent. After taking a moment to process what just happened, I continue to O2. I come out of the vent and start working, just waiting to hear that emergency meeting alarm ring, but it never comes. After a while the lunch time alarm goes off. I walk to the cafeteria to grab some food out of the vending machine, being honest it taste terrible, but is help sustains me a little bit. Once I have my food I see Will signaling me to follow him. we head back to our room where he has me sit down

"So I want to ask you a few questions"


"1. What are you"

"Well that is a complicated awnser, but the sort version is that I am a shape shifting alien."

"Hmm, 2. Why do you kill people "

"Simple, Food"

"That's it?"

"We are predators, we consume meat, and humans have ter perfect nutritional value for us"

"Ok, 3. Why do you disguise your selfs."

"Enough people at once could overpower and kill one of us if they worked together, so it is a survival tool"

"Hmm, ok ok, 4. Dis you feel guilt for what you did"

"...not at first, when we are young, imposters are taught by our parents do not think about you as living beings, and they're just think of you as food, we were taught to repress our emotions no matter what, but after I'd already killed a few people and I met you, things are to change, the look of fear in your eyes when you were asking me if you could share a room with me cuz you were afraid of dying, things started clicking in me, I was going to kill you that night but something was telling me not to. At first I thought it was just me telling myself that I'd be too suspicious, but after a while I realized that it was because you were different from everyone else, I was taught that you humans were below us, but his time went on I realized that killing people isn't really good thing, so I tried to limit myself, and then when you woke up that night crying something clicked in me again, and I realized that I was starting to hurt people because of this, so I tried starting to Target people you didn't know very well, and then you found me. "

"Wow, that was... Unexpected, we should probably eat lunch now"

"Ya, let's do that"

      We sit in silence as we eat our lunch, but before we can a the doors fling open. Standing at the door is Colem.

"I had some questions, but I was eavesdropping on y'all so I have them all  answered" I get nervous "don't worry, I'm not going to report you, what would be the point, we are all probably going to die anyways, and assuming you are doing you tasks, killing you would just make us even more short handed" I let out a sigh of relief "anyways I've come here to tell you that the captain has relieved everyone of their duties, with the whole chrisest, she said we can work if we want, but we don't have to, or worry about schedules, just do what you want"

"Well" William says "if we all work together and keep things going, we can make it back to Mira"

"Maybe y'all, but probably not me" I pitch in bleakly

"What do you mean?" William asked

"I can survive 10 days on a full stomach, 8 before I go faral, witch meant I probably got 9 days with meals from the cafeteria before I have to eject my self"

"HELL NO, No one is ejecting them self"

"Will, calm down, I will help the best I can before that, but I have to for the safety of the crew"

      Will was silent, as was me and Colem, it stayed like that until I stood up and left "I have to go back to finish my work in O2,"

"And I got to go finish maintenance"Colem says as he walks off, I walk off leaving will alone in his room. I hope he knows I am only trying to protect him and the ones he cares about.

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