Chapter 13: Quiet

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(William's POV)

What is the point of trying at this point, we will never find who it. We have no leads, at this point Cole, Chase, and I have basically accepted fait. Even Moon, and Vee said they didn't have the highest hopes, as I walk towards the barracks I look over at Chase.

"Hey Chase." I say

"Ya." he responds

"Can you promise me something?" I ask

"What's up" he responds

If Levi and I die, and you survive, will you talk to our family and give them condolences, and tell them about this conversation, so that know the story." I ask him

"I will do what I can." He replies sadly.

"What about your family." I sigh out wanting to start a conversation.

"I don't have one." He replies

"What?" I respond.

"Don't have one, I was an orphan my entire childhood." he says back to me.

"That explains why you were so couped up and stayed to your self, you weren't very familiar with talking to others and trying to make friends because you were never shown how to." I rationalize out loud.

"Ya, something like that." He replies nonchalantly.

The rest of the walk is silent, we get to our rooms, and we lay down, I start at the celling for what must be hours before drifting to sleep.

(Imposter's POV)

I walk through the desolate halls. Focus I find me telling my self, I can't let them find who I am. I keep walking then, I see a figure, it is tan, no one will notice he is gone, I can't hurt them more than I have, even though I have to. I run up and kill him, tentacle straight through the heart. He does, I hunch down and start to eat. Then as I am the lights go on.

(William's POV)

Oh. Dear. GOD. How is this possible, how could they do this, I thought I could trust them, we all thought we could trust them, but they had lied, the evil attacking this ship, who we thought we could trust. How could they do this, after everything, it was all a facade, a lie, and I believed it. And now the truth is right in front of me.

       I slowly back up against a wall, I wait for the worst to come, but I look up, and I see Red slowly back up, he has a black liquid dripping from his eyes

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I slowly back up against a wall, I wait for the worst to come, but I look up, and I see Red slowly back up, he has a black liquid dripping from his eyes. He backs and leans agent the wall before sliding down,with hi eyes against his knees. Against my better judgment, I stand up, Against my better judgment, I walk over to him, Against my better judgment, I squat down, and Against my better judgment...

I hug him.

He stays quiet for a few minutes before he looks up at me for only a second before he looks back down and continues to cry. I can hear him murmur something over and over. I can't quite hear it. We stay like that for even longer before I can make out what he is starting.

"I'm sorry" he repeats over and over in a small feeble voice, I don't know what to say, soon though, his murmurs stop, and his breathing slows, and his heart gets quiet. I look at him, and the tears in his eyes. There is good in him. I take a minute to think before I make up my mind. I pick him up and carry him to our room. As I lay him in his bed I run to the washroom and wash what blood was on me off. I look at myself in the mirror. What am I doing, on one hand he ha skilled so many people, but on the other I can see he can regret it. Unless he is faking it, is he, I am taking a huge risk trusting him, but I think that it is the right thing to do as of the moment...

I hope.

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