Chapter 10: Blackout

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(Kelly's POV)

As I turn the corner in to navigation it happens.

The lights go dark

The ship is plunged in to darkness

I waited some time for the lights to flicker on, but nothing, soon I start making my way to electrical, holding the wall so I don't lose my way, when it happens. A sound faint but audible. A scream. I got as fast as my legs can when the lights flicker on and I see in the middle of storage layed a corpse. Just as Red walks in. He stares in shock before clicking the button on his tablet to report it. As the alarm goes of I see something in the corner, a small figure. Oh no. I look at the corpse, the color, Gold, I look back to the corner, Gold. Nancy died, and her daughter saw it happen. I walk over to her to try to calm her down, she had streams of tears running down her face with her helmet on the floor next to her, she was whispering to her self in an unaduble tone. Soon everyone was gathered in the room waiting for what was next, I stood up with Annabeth in my arms.

"All right everyone, another murder has occurred, we need to be on high alert still, everyone to cafeteria now, we need to discuss the last meeting."

(William's POV)

I am awoken to alarms going off, dased and confused I get out of bed to findy self fully dressed and ready to go for the day, I passed through the halls to cafeteria to see everyone gathering around the table, I see Lilac and walk up to her.

"What happened" I asked.

"Nancy was killed" she responds solemnly.

"WHAT" I say now fully awake.

"YEP, we are holding a meeting now" she responds sounding upset.

Just then Kelly starts to speak to the crew.

"We where wrong on our last vote to eject Brittany, we must take a step back and not proceed until we have found who the murder is, untill then, get in groups of three, and do not let anyone out of sight. And as for you Madi, we need to have a talk. You pushed the ejection of Brittany, what do you have to say for your self."

"I truly thought she was the imposter, all the evidence pointed to it".

"How do we know you weren't trying to deceive us" Levi added.

Soon the room was erupted in to arguments and accusations.

"EVERYONE BE QUITE" The whole room looks over at Red who just shouted that out "We can't let our selves be divided or it will make the imposter's job essayer, we must keep it together. Madi may have made an honest mistake, but just to be on the safe side, we should keep four people with her to keep an eye on her other wise something may go wrong."

Kelly then spoke up" He's right, we mustn't let internal bickering tear us apart. So let's take stock who here was with another person during the last incident".

Several people raised their hands as Kelly to count.

"Ok, so the ones who were alone during the last murder were, William, Red, and Me."

Just then Red rose his hand"For future reference my name is Chase."

"Ok Chase, William, and I. I was in navigation"

"I was trying to fix the lighting"Chase said.

"And I was asleep" I picked in.

"Ok," Kelly spoke up "You are all dismissed, keep working to get this ship back to Mira, in the meantime, keep you eyes open, and if you see something, Say something."

And with that we all went out separate ways.

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