I Don't Remember (Mountain version)

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Fight or flight?

Laa-Laa swings her arms as she walks through the snow. It was weird, but the snow on the mountain felt more wild like than the snow back at home.

She doesn't walk too far and lays on the snow, giggling as the snowflakes land on her cheeks. She promises herself she'll go home when it gets too cold.

The yellow tele closes her eyes, it was comfortable enough with her orange jacket. Without meaning to she drifted off.

She tiredly opens her eyes, her face felt a bit numb.

Great, she must have fallen asleep.

...What woke her up?

She catches movement and freezes.

Laa-Laa's horrified as she realizes dark figures were sneaking towards her.

Its similar when Po sneaks on bunnies to try to hold them. But that's where the problem lies.

She's a teletubby, not an animal!

Laa-Laa jumps up and brushes the snow off quickly.

Where can she run? She might get lost if she runs deeper but the figures were blocking where she came from.

And if she can't run...

Laa-Laa rams into one of the figures as hard as she can. She had stumbled after the hit but it did go down, letting out a surprised grunt.

Her antenna glows as a tingle in her body urges her to turn. Not really knowing why, she grabs the arm that was going to grab her shoulder and throws them with a scream to get her adrenaline running.

Laa-Laa runs down the path, her arms were a bit sore from that. They were heavier than the average teletubby.

But she stumbles when something sharp hits the back of her neck. Laa-Laa strained to reach, but her arms were failing her. Her legs followed, she couldn't even crawl out of reach.

"That was a close one." A faint voice says.

She then woke up shivering in her bed. The yellow teletubby didn't know why she'd be cold, it wasn't winter.

It was nighttime.

She sneezes, causing Announcer to power on.

"Laa-Laa, how do you have a cold? The mountains are off limits-"

"Dunno." She sighs, feeling sleepy.

"Do you want medicine?" Thankfully this was the only robot who picked up on hints.

"I think I'll be able to sleep." She shuts her green eyes, dozing off.

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