More Drabbles

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Lenny shifts Guardian to the right, to get a better look at the page he's reading. The first time his snowball did this, Lenny went through seven stages of panic at the same time.

But he has gotten used to it by now, somehow playing with Guardian's fur and reading his book at the same time.


Dutch sighed heavily as he repeated took his gun apart trying to figure out the goddamn problem. He glares at the piece of shit on his desk. His muscles relax when a familiar presence scales his body and places a cup of coffee on the desk.

"Good night idiot, get some sleep soon." Miles shyly kisses his cheek before hopping down and running out of Dutch's room.

The solider was really thankful for the drink that should calm him down. He pouted a bit when he suddenly felt a rush of being sleepy.

"That little bastard..." Dutch mumbled, stumbling towards his bed before collapsing in it.

Intending on complaining to his little boyfriend for putting sleep medication in his coffee tomorrow.


Tinky Winky has always liked hugs, it's one of his favorite things! (Other than his friends and his magic bag)

So he thought maybe Noo Noo would be less cranky if he got a hug.

Instead Noo Noo kicked the purple child.

Tinky in response cried out in pain, the robot certainly wasn't gentle about it.

"Don't touch me you purple weirdo."

Tinky Winky sniffed and ran to his bed to start crying under his blanket. His chest really hurt from the bruise left from the kick. After what felt like hours later, someone crawled under with him.

Small arms wrap around his torso and the small form presses her ears against his chest.

"Noo Noo such a meanie." Po complains.

By habit he hugs her feeling a rush of happiness.


"Hey, Dutch?" Miles stared intensely at his boyfriend's back, something about this certain scar was bugging him.

"Yeah?" Dutch cheerfully responded, about to shrug his shirt on.

"What's that scar on your back?" The second the question left his lips, the solider froze.

An uneasy silence followed.

"Dutch?" Miles sat up, a bit concerned.

The black teletubby turns to face him with a blank face expression. It startled Miles honestly.

Then he turned back around and slid his shirt on, "I don't want to talk about it."

Miles would have insisted on the topic but something about his tone warned him Dutch might get angry if he pushed it.


"Hey, Finn, battle scar?"

Finn, in a panic, quickly pulls on his shirt. He didn't know Richard was awake, he usually slept in, so Finn thought he had enough time for his daily criticism.

The good news is that Richard did not notice his shameful body frame. The bad news is that Richard saw the scar on his back.


Richard stares at his back before deciding Finn obviously did not want to talk about it. He might send his lieutenant into a panic attack.


(Or how I like to call it, the bad ending of Tinky's fate in the cure AU)

Po quietly sets the flowers on the grave, feeling a lump in her throat as she stares down at it.

When Po got the news Tinky Winky killed himself, she burst into hysterical tears and sobs. She felt upset and guilty for playing around instead of being helpful.

Recently she hasn't been eating and usually stays in her room at all times.

She looks up and is startled by what she sees. Its a familiar tall figure. Po blinks away her tears and slowly walks toward them.


She didn't even know she was wandering away until a gun shot rang out.

Po froze, more out of shock than anything.

Someone scooped her up and carried her back inside the base. Po scans the area trying to figure out where he went.

"Po I let you go past the gate for one minute and you almost get yourself killed." Anne shook her head.

"But Tinky was over there." She mumbled but loud enough for Anne to hear it.

"Po, that was a hallucination."

Along with Po starving herself, she has started seeing things and having delusions.

Occasionally she would claim she saw Tinky or truly believe that Gary somehow faked Tinky's suicide and had actually murdered him. And when she wasn't accusing Gary of murder, she saw Gary as dismissive and apathetic.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now