Fuck parents Dipsy/Tinky Winky

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Dipsy quietly grumbled, he's been awake for several hours from his dumb nightmare. He tried not to think about the scars on his shoulders and back. He turns on his side, Tinky is still asleep. Who looked like a pure angel.

He winces his mind flashing a moment, the first scar. It had stung so bad because Noo-Noo had poured salt into the wound. It was horrible pain.

His ears prick up hearing Tinky move in a more awake manner. He sits up and rubs his eyes. His beloved purple one tilts his head.

"Sorry Tinks, I just...had a nightmare."

He touches his face with his cute concerned frown.

"I'll be fine, it was just about Noo-Noo."

Tinky looks sad at that, he's heard all about Dipsy's foster father. He kisses his boyfriend's forehead. He couldn't express it properly, but Tinky Winky always got upset about Noo-Noo and wished he could protect Dipsy somehow.

The green one couldn't help but smile at his precious Tinky's affection and concern.

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