Ping/Umby Pumby drabble

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The characters are aged adults.

In my universe Ping and Nin are only related to Tinky Winky, Baa and Duggle Dee are only related to Dipsy, Mi-Mi and Ru-Ru are only related to Po, and Umby Pumby and Daa-Daa are only related to Laa-Laa.

Glad we got that cleared up.

Umby Pumby was lying on Ping's lap, a tired glare on her features. Her dark blue eyes would often roll back before she would snap them back in place.

She was a bit peeved because of her menstruation cycle, a bit foggy because of the weed she smoked an hour ago. But she refused to let Ping up, so the pink teletubby couldn't get her any pain killers.

"You could take a nap?" The taller one suggests.

"Don't feel like it." Umby yawns, pressing her cheek against Ping's knee.

Despite that, she could hear soft snores coming from the smaller. Ping was going to gently set her to the side to get the painkillers, but an iron grasp grabbed her arm.

Umby squints at her.

"You're literally the heaviest sleeper I know." Ping says in disbelief.

"You're my temporary pillow, you stay sitting down." The usually sleepy teletubby grumps.

Ping pouts but listens, holding her close.

Umby Pumby's ears burn a bit, she mumbles a bit before resuming her snoring.

When Umby Pumby is sleepy, its call a character trait. But when I do it its called "You need to get out of bed".

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