Fem!Richard/Infected Guardian

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Guardian furiously dug his claws into the red captain but she refused to release him. He wanted to scream but that's hard when you're currently choking on your painful gasps. His body struggled, it twisted, trying to fight against it.

But how do you fight off an infection that's already in your system?

"S-S-S-Sto-p-" He gasps out the strangled-like word.

"It'll hurt less if you stop fighting."

Guardian didn't believe that for even a second. He continued squirming like mad, sobbing.


He didn't want to be a mindless monster! But his body unwillingly slumped and clawed at nothing. Blood dripped out of his mouth.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control his muscles. He just cried, hopeless to stop his 'awakening'. Ronja comfortingly held Guardian close and stroked his fur. He hiccupped, desperately pushing into the touch.

"See, it's going to be okay, the pain will eventually stop."

His brain felt tired from thinking.

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