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Man its been a while since I posted an actual writing chapter.

Finn considers this to be the most awkward moment of his life. He hated talking about personal things, but Richard had decided they were going to sit here all day until he explained.

He had been convinced for several minutes that his captain was trying to break his arm.

Finn sinks back, trying to tug his arm away.

"What the hell do you want from me?! Let go of my arm you psycho!"

"Finn." Richard said, calmly.

"No, no, no, I refuse to go through this shit again, I swear to god just break something else this time!"

"Finn!" Richard clutched his shoulders.

Finn blinked back to reality, he held his head. He hadn't realized he had his eyes firmly shut, and internally groaned when he didn't hear Richard getting up.

"I'm fine now-" Finn barely got the sentence out before Richard interrupted him with a scoff.

"You just had a panic attack, you are not fine." He hasn't removed his hands yet.


"Finn, we're going to sit here until you tell me what's going on."

He groans, "Do we really have to do this?"


Finn trembles, tensing in an attempt to keep the tears under his shut eyes.

"I'm tired of living like this, I'm tired of being alive, I'm tired of being awake, I want to be done, go into a coma or something."

Richard wrapped his arms around him, Finn's muffled self hatred by his shoulder.

Soon his mumbling morphed into just crying and sobbing. But unsurprisingly, Finn did not return the embrace, he just sat there almost awkwardly.

Finn soon began to feel exhausted from his burst of emotion.

Someone just end my pitiful existence already

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now