Fluff-Guardian/Infected Tinky Winky Drabble

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Guardian was out of breath and panting, his legs shook.

The familiar scream behind him gave him a feeling of hopelessness. He couldn't run anymore, he was going to die.

His body couldn't hold itself up anymore, Guardian fell onto the snow at the exact same time someone lunged at him.

He grunted in pain when they tripped on him, maybe not expecting him to fall like that.

They cry out and there's a loud thump and cracking.

Though Guardian shoots up when he hears screaming and rapid water movement. Even though it was hard to see through the snow, he sees a tall figure flailing in water.

Wait, water?

Guardian drags himself closer to the distressed tele.

Tinky Winky must have accidentally broke the ice he landed on. Unfortunately, the purple infected couldn't swim. And it must be so deep that not even Tinky can stand at all.

You would think him crazy for what he's about to do, but he couldn't leave the violet teletubby to drown here.

Guardian doesn't know how he managed to grab Tinky's arms but pulled as hard as his weak hands could. Honestly he is worried that the taller might accidentally drag them both in.

He tries pulling the other's hands behind him in hopes Tinky will blindly grab at the ground while his ears fold back in response to the loud screeching. Somehow over that he slightly hears a tiny noise behind him.

And suddenly his small form is knocked backwards. Something large almost crushes him. Its followed by loud huffing and puffing.

Guardian soon realizes its Tinky making soft but deep noises. He slowly moves himself to the side so the small male can sit up.

But that's all he was able to manage before Tinky Winky settled his head into Guardian's lap and his tail wrapping around his waist.

He is stunned into silence, the good news is that he's not dead.

The bad news is that Guardian is stuck and not knowing when Tinky is going to get up. 

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