Guardian's Loneliness

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Edit, I'm editing a bit of my chapters.

Guardian listened closely as the tubby showed him how to work the computer and monitors. He was told he's created to watch four test subjects. His mentor taught him how to do everything then left. The white tubby alone once again.

He watched as the four tubbies laughed and played. Guardian always felt an ache in his chest when he longed to have what they had. Before remembering to write observations in his diary. His life soon became like some kind of programmed script. He really hopes nothing different will happen.

Annoyingly as he grew older, his feet still couldn't reach the floor. Somehow Dipsy's hat got in, he told himself he would eventually give it back. 

He wonders what it feels like to touch another tubby.

Wonders what a hug feels like.

Guardian hated it when he thought about it, it reminded him of how trapped he felt. He related with the four on that note. They couldn't leave and he couldn't either.

Guardian jumped out of the way after grabbing the custard, Tinky Winky had charged at him but ran into the tree. Deeply grumbling in pain. Sure he's watched them all his life but could never guess how much taller Tinky is. He pretty much towered over him. It became worse after he absorbed another custard and suddenly became taller and thinner. His arms were long enough to grab him if he continued to stand there.

Guardian shakily breathed out upon seeing Laa Laa's twitching form. Even she stood taller than him, but she had scratches over one eye. So she would be likely to see him. He tried walking around her as quietly he could.

His breathing hitched hearing her agonized breathing. It hurt to hear the yellow tubby's suffering. It hurt twice as much to see her trapped under the rubble. Guardian couldn't stand to see her in so much pain and despaired at the idea of leaving her trapped there. He somehow found the courage to grab a rock to end her suffering. 

"Come play with us, Guardian!" A small red hand pulled at his white one.

"It's alright, we don't bite...maybe except for Dipsy." Laa Laa's soothing tone felt comforting.

"That's a bit mean Laa." Tinky Winky lightly scolded but he was smiling fondly.

"Yeah, hi, I'm right here."

Guardian shakes himself out of his hallucination upon hearing the sound of a chainsaw. He didn't have time to cry and curse at himself for fantasying about something that would never happen. Forced to face the reality, a headless Dipsy wielding his weapon.

He sighs shoulders slumping at the sight of the officially dead Dipsy. He slowly takes the hat off and sets it down next to the corpse and strained to pick up the chainsaw but he just settled for dragging it.

Guardian hisses and takes deep breaths, it wasn't easy to fight Po, both physically and emotionally. In both of her forms, she's managed to wound him. He panicked when he was under threat of one of Po's spider legs. With a burst of adrenaline, he thrust the chainsaw up.

​​​​​​​He winces hearing the red one's distorted animalistic screech. Blood rained down on his small frame. Guardian repressed his silent crying, now was not the time to show weakness.

I'm so sorry, Po, Dipsy, Laa Laa...Tinky Winky.

It's all his fault. He messed up. He let them die.

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