Evil Laa-Laa AU

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If chapter 69 isn't a smut chapter, I might have to be shot.

Tinky Winky was asleep and dreaming one second, and the next he couldn't breathe. He wiggled, muffling screams. He somehow had the strength to finally push his attacker off him.

He didn't wake anyone up, he ran out of the dome. Feeling confused and terrified. He shivered against the chills.

Soon Tinky couldn't run anymore and collapsed on the sand. He shakily sighs as the only sound he heard was the lake and his heavy breathing.

Soft footsteps catch his attention and he hopes its Po-wait no Po doesn't walk like that. She's more of a runner and fast paced.

He looks behind him, okay it's just Laa-Laa.

Tinky breathes out.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know why I ran away in the middle of the night." He looks down in a mix of shame and embarrassment.

"It's okay, I know."

The yellow tele's footsteps were changing. They sound more...cautious?

"I did try to make it quick, but I didn't expect you to fight back."

Tinky Winky was now back to terrified and ALARMED. His mouth opened to cry out, but he couldn't get his words out.

"I suggest you use this limited time to use your words, because after this you won't be speaking anymore."

Tinky couldn't get up and run. His brain was trying to connect the words 'attempted murder', 'Laa-Laa' and 'friend'. But these words simply shouldn't belong together.

She tightly grips his neck and pins his throat against the sand. Taking advantage of his lying position.

"We tried to get Dipsy to come with us to look for you, but he kept mumbling about how he would just wait in case you came back."

Whenever Tinky Winky's strangling noises got to the point of him almost passing out from lack of oxygen, Laa-Laa would cease. He didn't know why she was talking about this.

"We even implied that you could be in big trouble, still that moron didn't seem to care-"

Tinky began to cry, he didn't know if it was out of the pain, fear or the implication of Dipsy not caring about him.

His scream was cut short by her claws ripping into his throat.

Po's ears perk when she hears a familiar scream but it only lasts for one second but she swears she heard it from the beach.

Something painful surges through her body. It made her stumble and almost fall over. She clutches her chest, she hears her television screen make a strange noise.

Po felt like she was struggling to breathe, what was going on? A numbing chill spread to every nerve and all her limbs.

Her antenna, which had been glowing, came to a stop. Po got a feeling in her stomach, telling her Tinky Winky was in deep trouble.

She eagerly runs toward the noise, it felt like forever before she finally made it only to skid to a stop. Her jaw dropped at the horrifying scene despite her unable to understand fear, she knew anyone else would use that word to describe this.

The chills became worse.

Tinky laid lifeless on the sand. His throat and face were bleeding.

Po shook in a mix of anger and shock.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She finally screamed, Laa-Laa turns to look at her but Po was already running.

Her breathing was shortening which was very odd.

"Dipsy!" Po yells.

She trips when she gets to the dome entrance. She turns her head.

Surprisingly Laa-Laa wasn't following her.

Po pushes herself up before stumbling in, her purple eyes widen.

Laa-Laa must have gotten here first due to how slow Po was. She's standing over Dipsy's limp body. Blood was spilled on the ground, on the slide. She's gripping Dipsy's head by the antenna.

The biggest problem being the head wasn't attached to his neck.

The red teletubby turns on her feet and runs again, ignoring her body's need to stop. She didn't get far before someone, if she couldn't guess who, tackled her.

Po growls and screams, before she could curse Laa-Laa out, she couldn't breathe. She clutches at her neck, where she feels the roughness of a rope.

You bitch!

Laa-Laa shortens the rope before standing up, and drags the girl somewhere while still strangling her.

Po kicks and scratches at the grass trying to slow the other, but it does nothing. She doesn't possess a survival instinct, but she fights mentally to cling onto life.

Soon the feeling of grass and dirt on the back of her shirt left, and something hard replaced it. She supposes this could be called 'dragged up on a tree'. Or pulled up?

The choking became worse suddenly, Po twists and turns, trying to take off the rope. She looks down when she realizes she was swaying.

Laa-Laa observes her with curious green eyes.

"You're still alive?"

Po struggled to keep her gaze on this crazy bitch.

"You're going to die eventually, there's no point in holding on." She tilts her head. "You'll see Tinky again if you give into the darkness."

The fucking what?

"I'm not leaving until I see you die."

To Po's mismay, Laa-Laa blurs into a mess of colors. She couldn't...

Her body goes limp as her eyes roll into the back of her head.

Laa-Laa wordlessly heads back to the dome, hopefully the infection hasn't kicked into motion in Dipsy's body yet. She sighs in relief, the head and body are still there.

She heaves his corpse onto her shoulder before picking up his head and puts it under her arm.

Off through the caves, to the outskirts then it should kick in when they get to the satellite station. Maybe she'll get to see this so-called 'Guardian'.

Laa-Laa read about him in Noo-Noo's notes and considering she didn't encounter him all night, he sounds like the worst she's ever heard of.

Maybe he'll stop being a lil coward if he lives to reach the station.

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