「severe impatience」

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"NOOOOOOOOOO!" levi shouted as he lost his first game of mario kart

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"NOOOOOOOOOO!" levi shouted as he lost his first game of mario kart. he had insisted on playing a round with you to "show off his gaming skills", but you had beat him.

levi groaned again, and you could hear everyone else on the call chuckling, while mammon laughed hysterically at levi's humiliating defeat.

"who's the dumb one now, levi?" mammon said, still laughing. levi groaned. 
"shut up, stupidmammon."

"you guys are lucky that lucifer didn't join." you chuckled -- everyone in the group chat chose to join the call besides lucifer. it came as no surprise to his brothers and friends, but you were a bit disappointed that he didn't join.

"it surprised me, actually." satan spoke up. and asmo immediately gasped.

"satan! does this mean you like lucifer now?" he swooned, giving his usual charming smile.

"why would it mean that?" satan questioned, looking irritably confused.

"well..." asmo began. "you said that you were surprised that he didn't join... usually, you'd say that you were happy, since he didn't join! what got into you today?"

"i am happy." satan answered. "i said that i was surprised because diavolo joined the call."

"i think i see where this is going." said diavolo at the mention of his name, smiling.

"anywho, lucifer is loyal to diavolo." continued satan. "he'd probably-"

"-jump off a cliff if lord diavolo told him to." mammon interjected, scowling. "no offense to lord diavolo, but lucifer annoys me so much whenever he talks about you! diavolo this, diavolo that!"

"that's confusing. why is lucifer... uh... loyal to diavolo?" you asked. 
"is diavolo, uh, i dunno... an army general or something??"

"both lucifer and diavolo are a part of the student council." belphie explained, holding back a yawn. "diavolo's the president, and lucifer's the vice president. it's dumb, because they're just student council positions."

"belphie," beel spoke softly. "we're on the student council, too."

"holy shit, you guys are probably so popular... seven brothers on the student council?"

"well, diavolo's the most popular." levi said, still pouting about his loss from earlier. "then lucifer, then beel..."

"actually, satan's pretty popular too!" asmo said, smirking. "he always places in top 10 on the annual popularity contest... he could rank higher if he flashed more smiles!"

"no." satan said simply, frowning.

"it's better that way, since he also calls me chihuahua." luke frowned, but you noticed that he was also smiling a bit.
when you first scanned his appearance, when he first joined the video call, you couldn't help but feel like an actual proud parent. you truly loved your adoptive son.

"don't let it get to you, luke." simeon assured him -- you swore that simeon was an actual angel, with his gorgeous hair, eyes... everything. why did all of your online friends have to be so attractive?

"i agree with simeon. after all, if you choose to pay attention to the insults, then they will continue to bother you more. with 'them' being the offenders, of course." barbatos said gently, and you made a mock surprised face.

"wow, barbie toes is so wise!" you giggled.
"anyways, solomon, your turn to speak now. GO GO GO. CHOP CHOP. NO TIME TO WASTE."

"ah, what am i supposed to say?" solomon replied, raising his eyebrows. 

"UHHH-" you stammered out, before solomon cut you off.
"when are you coming to tokyo? we're all so impatient."

"WHAT?" you screeched out, jumping in surprise. that question threw you off guard, but that was solomon's intention, after all.

"yeah, we can't wait two months!" asmo yelped out like a damsel in distress. "i wanna see you already! i bet you look even more charming in-person."

"aaaand here comes asmo, with his flirting that never fails to get me." you muttered, your cheeks reddening again.

"i wouldn't be surprised if i was the most excited out of everyone." beel suddenly exclaimed, smiling and poking fun at everyone. "i really wanna see you already, y/n."

"SHADDUP, BEEL!" levi yelled, frowning. "i'm the most excited! me and y/n are gonna game all night long once they get here!"

"we don't even know what part of tokyo they're moving to." belphie pointed out, and mammon let out a loud scoff.
"doesn't matter. the great mammon will find 'em no matter what!"

"you've been calling yourself 'the great mammon' a lot lately." you joked, grinning.

a deep voice spoke -- "i mean, i agree. we should still have an opportunity to meet up even if you move to a different part."

lucifer had somehow snuck into the call without anybody noticing, and diavolo smiled.

"so you decided to join, lucifer?" he asked, and lucifer only gave a solemn nod in response.

"well, lucifer's fairly optimistic." solomon chuckled. "but i suppose... i agree."

"yeah! we're gonna see each other no matter what, y/n!" luke said, and you felt a rush of joy at his words.

"that's the spirit, luke!" simeon cheered, and luke beamed.

"i'm still gonna meet 'em first." mammon growled, and levi rolled his eyes.
"in your dreams, mammon! ROFLLMAOOO"

"i don't care if i meet you first or not, i just wanna see you." beel smiled, and asmo nodded feverishly.

"move over here right now, y/n!" asmo begged.

"we live around shinjuku." satan informed you. "if you move near there... well, just expect my brothers to crowd around your door the next day."

"you should come along, satan!" you said, and his expression changed into a thoughtful one.
"perhaps." he responded.

"i'll probably go... but i'll fall asleep." belphie yawned.

"i'll accompany you to make sure you're not sleeping." barbatos smiled.
"and to see y/n, of course." he added.

"y/n, you better be prepared for a big group hug when you move over here." diavolo chuckled, and you laughed.

"i wish i could move to tokyo right now." you beamed.
if only a teleport command existed in real life.

if only a teleport command existed in real life

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