Chapter 19

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Dedicated to Zubrator77


I growled. James had killed Jasmine! I felt my body start to change. The pain came again, but this time twice as worse.

This is a dream. This is a dream.

One I really wanted out of.

I woke up screaming in pain. My body was shifting again. I felt my voice stop suddenly. My throat was changing now. Gabe was holding me, trying to calm me down.

Finally, that pain stopped. The tingles in my back made me purr.



I looked down at my beautiful paws.

I was a tiger. I had a completely black pelt, and even darker black stripes. I felt my wings start to flutter. Gabe's eyes showed amazement. He slowly reached his hand out to touch me.

Do it. I sighed mentally. Didn't Jasmine ever shut up? No. Never once.

I leaned my face into Gabe's hand. A purr rumbled in my throat. I gave his hand a lick.

"Ew!" He exclaimed, laughing. I jumped off the bed and stretched. Then I thought of James. I growled. I turned back to see a tiger on the bed instead of Gabe.

On instinct, I bared my teeth and snarled. The tiger was pure white with tan stripes. It had blue eyes. Gabe's wings were folded up on its back. I relaxed, realizing that it was one of Gabe's forms. He told me about it, but he never showed me.

He jumped off the bed and walked towards me. I started to rub against him and started purring. He quickly followed my lead and started purring as well. I started grooming him, and he did the same.

Finally, we fell asleep on the floor together, happy at last.

~¥~ a few years later

I finally was able to shift into any animal I want. I haven't seen James in 83 years.

I was running in the forest as a tiger, my favorite animal, and got caught by a scent that I recognized. I snarled, then tracked the scent. When it lead me to a meadow, I froze.

James had Gabe in his grip, and a knife at his throat. My breathing stopped, and my eyes widened. He couldn't stab Gabe right? Something told me he could though, and he would. My heart was pounding watching him there.

James smiled when he saw my face. Then he took his knife, and stabbed my soulmate in the chest.

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