Chapter 16

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I stared at him. Dead? She looked so lively in my dream. I took a trembly breath and forced the image of her face to Gabe. It took all my energy, but I did it.

"That's her." He said, his eyes shining. Then he frowned. "She was murdered." My eyes widened slightly.

"I'll go make breakfast!" Liz chirped, clearly trying to make everyone happy. She started to walk away, and I bolted after her, fearing my dream would come true.

She made us bread with goat cheese and served it in a big plate. I bit into a piece and the warm bread melted the fatty cheese. Liz smiled when Gabe moaned. The food is as simple as it gets, but I'm guessing food is hard to come by for Gabe.

"So," Liz started to declare, "I planned today that we would work on the garden, and then fix the goat pin." She smiled at herself for her ideas.

"Well, lovely plan my dear, however. I have made plans this morning to do something. I need Gabe to stay here, because I don't want to leave you alone until what I'm going to do is done." I turned to Gabe and he nodded.

I imagined myself in my lace outfit and felt tingles in my skin. I looked down to see my beautiful outfit. I got up, said my goodbyes, and left. But not after I got my bow and arrows. As well as my knife.

I was going to kill James and Lauren.

And there would be no mercy.

~¥~ a few days later

My wolf was by my side. I was walking in the forest to find James.

Come on, where are you asshole?! I thought. I sighed, then thought of what to do. Snow was gently falling on the ground.

I knew I was close though. I wondered a few more miles before I heard it. It was James's laugh. I stalked towards the voice, keeping in the nights shadows. I could see a fire, and a group of people. I crouched down low in the underbrush.

There were 3 females and 8 males. I notched an arrow on my bow and took aim. The man dropped to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his chest. Lauren screamed, and ran to James. I killed the another male, and this time, another girl screamed.

I imagined that if I was a wolf, her throat would be ripped out. Then I felt my body start to break. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.

Finally, the pain stopped. I looked up to see if my wings dangling above me, but when I looked down, I saw midnight black paws.


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