The Case | 1

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We held a memorial. Unable to have access to Shigeru's body, that was all we could do. We were frustrated, hurt, lost. 

Times were moderately peaceful but knowing how things are around us, I knew it wasn't going to last. Unfortunately I was right. February 5th, we were all at the crib, except for Jessie, sitting in the living room when we heard knocking. "I'll check who it is." Aneesa stood up. "Hopefully not a Rox..." She mumbled .

"Doubt they'd knock." I said.

"You never know." She replied. She left for the gate and for a while we didn't hear anything from Aneesa.

"Should we check up on Neesa ?" asked Nate. Sha alongside Asad, Nate and I stood up and walked out the house towards the entrance. "Aneesa-" Two men and a woman in police attire stood at the gate in front of Aneesa.

"Sha, those cops want to get in..." spoke Aneesa, looking back at us.

"Can I help you, officers ?" Sha asked, placing herself next to Aneesa.

"We know she resides here. We're here to take her in." said one officer.

"Excuse me but I don't know who you're talking about ? Take who in?"

"Isabel Gomes. She's responsible for the murder of Harry Griffiths, lawyer of Naire Law Corporation." He elaborated.

" What the fuck ?" blurted out Nate.

"We ask that you please cooperate, if you don't want to be associated with her case as a murder accomplice." added the second officer, a bit younger.

"There's no way she'd do something like that." I whispered to Asad. He shook his head.

"She's been with us all this time, she hasn't murdered anyone !" Nate argued.

"Officers, I think there's a misunderstanding." Tanisha seconded.

"Please move aside." ordered the female cop.

"I'm not letting you in." She shoved Aneesa away from the gate's door and the three of them made their way inside the house, looking around the premises. I hurried to my friend, helping her get up.

"We don't know a Harry Griffiths ! This is a misunderstanding !" Tanisha repeated. They advanced towards the living room where Xav, Kyle and Izzy were. "Izzy tell them that you don't know a man like that."

Kyle stood up seeing the cops. "What's going on ?" He asked.

"Who are you talking about ?" added Izzy. Her eyes had worries in them as she shifted from the cops to Tanisha.

"Isabel Gomes. You're responsible for the murder of Harry Griffiths, lawyer of Naire Law Corporation." said the first officer.

"Izzy please clear this confusion..."

Izzy finally stood up. "Tanisha..."

"Don't worry, I know you're innocent. Just tell them."

"Tanisha. I do know him." revealed Isabel.


"Take her in." The policewoman went behind her as the men guided her out, shoving to the side whoever came in their way.

"You didn't do it ! Tell 'em." Kyle dashed by Tanisha who stood rigid. Asad went after him to hold him back. The rest of us followed them outside. "Tell 'em what you told us. He abandoned you and you came back to the crib alone. Izzy !" Isabel stays silent as the officer handcuffs her and shove her into their vehicule. Tanisha made her way to where we stood. "Hey ! Hey, she's pregnant !" warns Kyle, trying to get out of Asad's grip. We watch as the car drives off, unable to do anything as Izzy looks down at her knees. Kyle curses under his breath as Asad lets him loose.

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