September 22nd '52

39 3 5

Two months since the search party for Renee started. Any results ? Not a sign of her whereabouts. It went from daily searches to twice a week searches, weekly searches, every other week searches to monthly look outs.We just had to accept that the worst might've happened to her. What did we expect, really ? An 11 year old living by herself in the streets with no food or water ?

Just when I started to contemplate about her fate, I heard a knocking at the door. "On it." says Tanisha as she opens the door. From where I was I could only hear what was going on.

"Um, hi." says the woman at the door.

"What can I help you with ?" asks Tanisha.

"I'm holding a search party to find missing children."

"What their names ?" replies Tanisha with an exaggerated sigh.

"Belladonna, 10. Keshawn, 10. Renee, 11." she says, lifting a picture of their faces. Tanisha's eyes look at her up and down, ignoring the paper in front.

"Nisha, who's at the door ?" asks Mr. Smith, walking towards the entrance.

She sighs hearing her stepfather's voice. "It's no one." she answers.

"Don't lie to me, young woman. What do you want ?"

The woman re-explains the reason for her visit. "If you see them, please let us know." she adds handing in a card.

"We will. Goodbye, now."

"Good afternoon, sir." responds the woman as she leaves the premises. At the same time,Denzel walks into the living room and turns on the Tv. Now onto Naire news...

"Did you only wake up now ? Don't you have class ?" asked Tyler in a grating voice.

"Took a sabbatical year..." mumbled Denzel while browsing in the fridge.

"Three orphans from the Cherished Infants Orphanage have gone missing....Renee, an 11 year old. Keshawn, a 10 year old and Belladonna, also 10. If you have any information on their whereabouts or if you see them walking in your neighborhood, please contact the orphanage at...."

"We should contact them." suggests Tyler, glancing at the card that was given to him. Denzel chokes on his drink. "Kids ! Get out of your rooms." he continues. Keshawn, Tyrell and I walk out to the living room and sit on the couch.

"They left for a reason, we can't make them go back there." protests Denzel.

"They're kids, they don't know better." 

Denzel shakes his head. "Sha, call mum."

Tanisha sprints towards her mother's room. "Mum !"

"It's useless, your mother and I are on the same page for this." comments Mr. Smith as he sees Tanisha run. On the other hand, Ms. Davis doesn't seem to agree with his statement. She marches out the room narrowing her eyes as she stares at her husband. 

"We're not letting those monsters take away our kids, Tyler !"

"They're gonna find them one day or another !" argues Tyler. Denzel and Tanisha exchange a look before signaling us to head inside a room. All five of us disappear in Denzel's room leaving the two adults in the living room.

"If they find them they'll just realize that they found a family !"

"They're not our kids." insists Tyler.

"You're right. They're my kids not ours."

"Their names are everywhere, you can't hide them."

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