December 31st '56

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Our long summer vacation had come to an end and school had restarted. Earlier, in September, our Leader had announced that he was getting married to Lana, his girlfriend of 6 years. Two months later, in November he announced that they were expecting their second child. That same month, Ace also declared that the Silver Gang would receive its new leader as he would step down to focus on his family. Today is his wedding day as well, as the reveal of our new Leader.

"Do you, Lana Russo, take Caleb Coleman as your lawfully wedded husband ?" asked the officiant. Lana was dressed in a magnificent white trumpet dress which embellished each one of her curves and her ginger hair was braided in a symmetrical twisted up do. Shigeru was Ace's best man. Skylar, Diego were part of the 6 bridesmaids and groomsmen. Izzy and Delilah, Lana and Ace's 4 year old daughter, were the flower girls. Nate was the ring bearer.

"I do." Lana says.

"I now declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

And so they kissed for the first time as a married couple. Many cheers from the family and the gang were heard. A few tears could be seen flowing down Shigeru's face. After the ceremony, the celebration moved to a party room not far away from the church. The married couple and their daughter left in a limousine, Cash, Sky, Blu, Nate and Isabel left in a car. Keemo, Rayan, Jordan, Jessie and another gang member left in Keemo's car. Denzel left in his car with Tyrell, Kyle and Tanisha. Quannell, Neesa, Asad and I left in Kelvin's car.

"Did you guys also see that ?" asks Asad as he looks back from the passenger's seat.

"Cash, right ? comments Kelvin, astonished. "In all those years I've never seen this man shed a tear." 

"Let's cherish it, this might be our last time." adds Aneesa jokingly.

"I'll never forget this night." I also add jokingly.

"He might cry again sometime." says Quann. Aneesa's and my eyes shift to him. We then look back at each other, scrunching our nose and shaking our heads.

"Nah." We speak at the same time. "Even if he did, would we see it ?" replies Aneesa.

"Nope." exclaims Kelvin and Asad at the same time.

"Yo Kelv, you know who our next Leader is ? Answer correctly, 'Sad has you at gunpoint." I say. Meanwhile Asad forms a gun with his hand.

"Guess." He says, smirking.


"Stand tall !" Shouts Cash in a hoarse tone. Ace had taken us, the Silvers, away from the party room to announce our new Leader.  He was standing in front of us, Cash by his left side. Sky, Blu, Wave, Ray, JJ, Red, Cix and Draco were behind those two, hands held together in front of them. "Respect !" he continues.

"Can't believe this will be my last time." begins Ace. "As you all know the Silvers and Rox used to be part of one gang. We ruled over the latitude of Naire until Sniper did the unthinkable and killed his own Leader, our Leader. He wanted to rule all of Naire. We fought and many lost their lives or fled the city. The group divided itself but most of them stayed with Sniper as he has connections with the leaders of this oligarchy of this town. The Silvers Gang was then built. We rule the South side, they lurk in the North side. I was once the Leader but my time has come.."

"So dramatic." murmurs Sky. Cash chuckles quietly.

"I hereby declare Draco as the new Leader of the Silvers Gang." Denzel steps forward and stands by the right side of our Leader. Ace turns himself to Draco and holds his shoulder firmly. "Do you, Denzel Davis, accept this responsibility ?"

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