May 28th '58

28 2 1

"Say "Fantastic baby" !" Janet says. Tanisha and Jordan were posing in front of her camera waiting for a picture to be taken. We were all at home. Quannell, Tyrell and I were sitting on the couch, checking back to watch what was happening. Denzel was in the kitchen, looking from afar. Mum and Tyler were facing Tanisha and JJ number, who were posing for the next photo to be taken. It was their prom dance and they had decided to go together. Tanisha was in a long purple silk dress and Jordan wore a generic black ensemble with a tie and tissue that matched his partner's dress colour.

"Fantastic baby.." repeated the two hesitantly.

"They should go now, if they don't wanna be late." commented Tyler, looking down at his watch. Denzel directed himself towards the entrance door, as he was their driver. Ty, Quann and I got up from our seats and directed ourselves that way too.

"You never told me about you and J..." I whispered to Tanisha. 

She gave me a soft smile. "I didn't really feel like mentioning it, you know." She answered shyly.

Oh she likes him likes him

"Can we go now ?" asked Denzel impatiently. Tanisha and Jordan began to put their shoes on.

"He's impatient because he's supposed to meet up with-." Jordan started to talk before getting interrupted by Tyler.

"I'd like to have a small talk with the lad before they leave." Said Tyler, grabbing J by the shoulder. They walked away to the hallway.

"Sir ?" Jordan asked. His back was facing us and from where they were standing we couldn't hear them, we could only see Tyler's facial expressions and he had a smile on his face.

"Your parents died but I can still talk to your uncle and aunt. Do you want me to tell them about what kind of activities their nephew and niece partake in ?" Jordan's eyes widened. "Uh-uh. Don't look back, young man, I'm talking to you. Janet is still clueless about it but I know. I know what you and the rest of y'all crew are up to. Get close to Tanisha and I'll expose everything to my close friends, the cops, and have you arrested before you even turn 18. Do you understand me, young blood or is English not your first language ?"

" I understand you sir."

"Good. Good now go... oh and keep a smile on ya' would you?"

*It's the May 28th year 22'58.

Nate and Tyrell are 10 turning 11.

Izzy is 13 turning 14.

Kyle is 15.

The Daoudi twins and Quann are 16. 

Tamika is 15 turning 16.

Tanisha and Jordan are 17 turning 18.

Denzel will turn 25 while JJ and Kelvin are 25.

Rayan and Wave are 26.

Diego is 29.

Ace and Cash are 38.

Skylar is 40.

Denzel drove the couple to their school. Arriving in front of the building he parked the car and froze in front of the wheel. "Sha get out, I have to talk to Jordan." Tanisha glanced over at J then got out of the car. "Don't...Do not listen to what Tyler says." he continues. He was still facing the wheel and didn't bother looking back at J but his tone was serene.

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