A Kid Napping

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"We're here."  says DJ. He parks the car in front of a mansion. They get out and make their way to the front door. They wipe their shoes on the entrance carpet, fix their suits and ring the doorbell.

"What the fuck ?" Olivia stood at the door as she eyed both of them.

"I thought Naveen said he was dating Third Eye." whispers Dejun to Kai.

"It could be his sister. Don't worry I got it." He took a step closer. "Hey, gurl."

"Who the fuck are you ?"

"Are you single ?"

"Right now ? Yah."

"Can I change that ?"

"Oh my god, yah !"

"Let me take you out."

"I don't even know your name."

"I'm yours. What's your name, beautiful ?"

"Liv. You're kind of hot."

"You're hotter." His placed his arm around her shoulders. "Pass me the keys." He whispered to DJ. He handed him the keys and watched as they drove off before entering the house.

A man, young of age, descended from the many staircases. "Hello Dave." says DJ, seated on a couch. Dave's eyes met his and fear crossed his face.

"Who are you ? How did you enter ? This is a private property." Babbled Dave. DJ got up his seat and neared him while Dave took steps back on the stairs.

"Relax, Dave. We know the same people."

"How do you know my name ? What do you want ?" He clumsily walked up the staircase backwards.

"This ain't personal, I'm just following orders and Dave," DJ's pace became faster. "You can't get away from me. I'll catch wherever you are in this world."

"No." He turned around and ran up the stairs. "Get away !" He shouted as DJ began chasing him. He ran into his parents room but before he was able to close the door behind him, DJ had entered. "What the fuck do you want from me ?" He said, his voice trembling as he backed his steps to a nearby drawer.

"What's in there ?" Dave's hand was on the drawer behind him. He quickly yet clumsily pulled out a gun out of it. "Woah," Mocked DJ. "That's some dangerous shit you got there. I didn't know people like you needed that."

"I know how to use it." Dave lifted the weapon and pointed it in DJ's direction.

"Good for you." He extracted a gun from his pant's belt. "That makes two of us."

"I'll shoot you with this."

"Let's do it on three then, shall we ? One..., Two...," From his sleeve, he pulled out a knife and threw it. It flew and entered the side of Dave's abdomen. "Three." The gun dropped out of Dave's hand and he placed his hands around the knife as blood began to stain his shirt.  His eyes went down then moved back on DJ and in seconds his distressed expressions morphed into terrified facial features. "I did you a favor, you should thank me Dave. Guns are too loud anyways."

"Get away..." Dave wiggled the knife.

"I wouldn't do what you're doing right now."

"Leave me alone..." His voice was breathy and more trembling than before. He took stumbling steps back as DJ neared him.

"What was that ?" joked Dejun. Dave's eyelids closed and he dropped on the floor.

Kai: I'm in front of the crib.

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