Chapter Eleven

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Hey, it's a short one but I promise that the next chapter will be much longer, hope you like it anyways :)


Now that Abby was aware of Jarrod's presence she was able to sense the horde of Demons, they were still far away enough to give the group time to escape and Abby did not want to get into a battle were Jarrod could get hurt. Abby had to think hard and fast they needed to be out of Jarrod's reach for now somewhere safe where they could regroup and find a solution to their problem.

Abby had no intention of heading back to the group and blurting out her findings she knew without a doubt there would be no way of holding back Jacob, he would do anything to reach his twin even if it meant his death. Abby did the only thing she could think of.

"Bastian" Abby whispered over and over again.

There was a slight shift in the air and Abby knew her call had been answered. Within moments a portal appeared and Bastian stepped through. Despite the circumstances Abby was happy to see the grumpy Vampire.

"Abby" Bastian stated nodding his head "I hope this is important"

"It is" Abby replied. "We need sanctuary and fast"

Bastian turned his head slightly. "You have defeated more than that in the past"

"Jarrod is with them"

Bastian stiffened "You have found him?"

Abby knew that both Marcus and Sabrina were in constant contact with the council and that they were fully aware of what had been happening.

"More like he found me, he's not himself Bastian The Creator has done something to him and I can't risk a battle with him involved"

Bastian looked thoughtful for a moment. "I understand you don't wish to harm him Abby but perhaps this could be to your advantage, if he is under the influence of The Creator then if we capture him he could prove useful"

"I want him back Bastian but I want him safe, there is no time to explain to the others and without warning and a planned attack you and I both know how wrong this could turn out"

"Listen to my words carefully Abby, I will allow you sanctuary but I will not allow one of your team to wander and kill. Once you are at the castle you will make arrangements for Jarrod to be taken or I will do it myself"

Abby held Bastian’s gaze, she knew he was right they had no idea what Jarrod was capable of and with The Creators activity growing it was imperative they gain inside information. Abby also knew if anyone was going to bring Jarrod in it would be her.

"Deal, but once we return to the castle I want to speak to Jacob alone before anyone else is informed, it is his right"


"Good, let's get this show on the road, oh and Julius is back too"

"You have been busy "Bastian replied.

Bastian offered his hand which Abby took and within seconds they were in the clearing where the camp was based. The whole camp had been packed up and everyone except Magda was present and Abby noticed both there relief that Abby had returned and the shock at seeing Bastian. Marcus immediately bowed whilst his eyes remained on Abby.

"Change of plans guys, were heading back to the castle for a bit"

The original group whooped for joy, whilst the newest members didn't seem so keen.

"Oh my god" Leah squealed "A real bed"

"Never mind the bed I just want the bath" Calli cried.

"No it's defiantly the food" Aiden piped up.

Abby laughed at their obvious glee at finally being able to be in a normal place for once. Abby kept her feelings well hidden not wanting to darken the moment.

"Is that a good idea?" Jacob asked "We have more important things to do or does that not matter now that you have Julius back" he spat.

"Jacob" Marcus warned in a low tone. 

"It's all right" Abby said wanting to share her secret with Jacob now more than ever but knowing that this was not the time.

"You know that's not true Jacob and I promise no matter what I will never give up"

Jacob nodded at once taking Abby's words to heart but it didn't escape Abby's attention that Marcus looked like he had been kicked in the gut. Abby didn't want to hurt Marcus but he had to know that she would never stop hoping that he would come back to them.

Julius and Selena stepped forward to greet Bastian so Abby went in search of Magda. Magda was with Dillon whom Abby had all but forgotten about and it came as a surprise to Abby when he smiled shyly at her.

"Magda were ready, were deviating and heading back to the castle"

"I know that" Magda snapped. "Come on then let's get on with it"

Abby laughed at the old witch she knew now that it didn't matter how Magda spoke she was still one of the good guys. Abby headed back to Bastian and nodded her head, Bastian turned and opened the portal and walked through without looking back.

The whole troop followed behind and Abby laughed as Aiden passed with Eva who was talking a mile a minute with excitement. Almost everyone had passed through either in a truck or walking except the wolves that Abby noticed hung back. With one look Abby knew the pack weren't going any further. Abby trudged towards the small group that she had come to know and trust.

"Abby” Reid said "It has been an honor but for now we must part ways"

"Are you sure?" Abby asked.

Sarah gripped Abby's hand tightly. "We are not abandoning you but our wolves would go crazy being in the castle, too many different species for our liking" Abby laughed.

"When you need us we will be there" Seth said.

"Okay I guess I can’t change your minds, but we will see each other again soon"

"Promise" said Jake pulling Abby into a hug.

"Just promise me one thing?" Abby asked.

"What?" Reid asked.

"Don't stay in this area, get as far away from here as you can, it's no longer safe."

"Is there something you’re not telling us?" Seth asked.

Abby sighed she wanted Jacob to be the first to know but she couldn't just let the pack walk into an ambush. "The Creator has turned Jarrod against us and he's not far behind with a group of Demons, please just go and don't try to stop them for my sake. I have to find a way to save him"

The wolves looked somber it was against their nature to run away and Abby knew she was asking a lot. Finally Reid nodded. "Okay and good luck"

"You too" Abby smiled, she watched with fascination as the pack ran as one swiftly turning into their animal forms with grace. Abby had seen this numerous times before and it was still beautiful each time. When the wolves were finally out of sight Abby turned to the portal, just as she was about to step through Abby could feel the evil energy getting closer and knew Jarrod was on his way. Without hesitation Abby stepped through to meet her friends on the other side and prepared herself for the consequences for her actions.

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