Chris Is In Ohio

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*****2 WEEKS LATER*****

The day of school was dragging, it was Friday and I knew Lisa and Chris were traveling to me today and I just wanted to get home. I was in my last class of the day and I was impatiently tapping my pen on my desk.

"Davina!" The teacher yelled my name and I jumped.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Is there a reason you are taping you pen loud enough to disrupt the entire class?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Sorry." I said and stopped. Aubrey was sitting across the aisle from me.

"You know he is coming, why are you so nervous?" Aubrey whispered.

"I just want to see him. After the blow up with mom about Stanford, things have been tense and I just need him here." I whispered.

"Well 20 minutes." Aubrey whispered and I smiled. Once the bell rang, I rushed to my locker to make sure I had everything. I mean it was the last day of senior year. I got out my car keys and rushed out to the parking lot. I rushed to where I parked and I didn't see my car, I saw Chris's car and him leaning on it with his hand in his pockets. He saw me and smiled.

"Hey beautiful!" Chris said since I stopping in my tracks seeing him.

"Chris?!" I screamed and ran to him and jumped in his arms. He held on to me as I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Miss me?" Chris asked as I refused to let him go. I finally got off of him and I pulled him down into a passionate kiss.

"Hey! No sucking face in public." Marty said walking over to us. We broke apart laughing. He hugged Aubrey and shook Marty's hand.

"Thank god you are here. I don't know she was going to be able to drive home." Aubrey said and I rolled my eyes.

"I was fine." I said.

"You got in trouble in the last class because you were taping your pen too much." Aubrey said and we all laughed.

"So you guys have to get right home?" Marty asked and I looked at Chris and he shrugged.

"Does your mom have anything planned?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"Knowing if she had anything planned would mean she had talked to me in the last week." I said and Chris looked at me concerned and I just shook my head.

"We probably should get home though honestly. I want to see his mom and in case something is planned. You guys coming over for pictures tomorrow, right?" I asked and they nodded.

"See you tomorrow." I said and Chris opened the passenger door for me.

"Thank you for picking me up, but where is my car?" I asked and Chris laughed.

"Your mom came with me and she took it home." Chris said and I nodded. I got in the car and the Chris did. I gave him directions on how to get back to my house. Once we got home I walked in and rushed to hug Lisa.

"Hey sweet girl." Lisa said as we hugged. Once we broke apart I sighed. I looked at my mom.

"Thank you for bringing my car home." I said and she smiled with a nod.

"No problem, I loved that he wanted to surprise you." Andrea said and I smiled.

"I was certainly surprised." I said and Chris laughed.

"Why don't you take Chris's stuff to your room and get him settled." Andrea said and I looked at her oddly.

"Oh come on you two don't think we know he will end up sneaking in there. Just stay in there." Lisa said and I we laughed.

"Yeah my mom knows about Prom night." I said and Chris and he nodded.

"So does mine." Chris said and I laughed. He grabbed his suitcase and we headed to my room which was upstairs. Once we got in my room Chris pinned me against the door and passionately kissed me and I moaned as he lifted me and carried me to the bed as I started taking off my cloths on the way over and he laid me down on the bed as he started to undress as well. I reached in my nightstand and pulled out a condom.

"Prepared." Chris said and I laughed. Once we were fully undressed Chris put the condom on and then thrust in me as I wrapped my legs around him.

"God, I missed feeling you." I said and he smiled leaning down to passionately kiss me as he thrusted in and out hard and fast. I loved this feeling of him inside me and connecting as one, this was right, this was where we were always meant to be, together. Soon I was clenching around Chris and he moaned at the sudden tightness as I released all around him. He started pushing harder and deeper and I felt him throbbing inside and knew he was releasing and I smiled as he rolled off of me. Chris got up and threw away the condom in the connected bathroom. He came back and got dressed seeing I got dressed and we laid in bed together. I laid my head on his chest and sighed.

"I'm so happy you here." I said and Chris sighed.

"Why is it so tense between you and your mom?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Just stuff..." I said and Chris groaned.

"You can tell me Vinny." Chris said.

"And I will, I just don't want to right now." I said and Chris huffed a laugh and he nodded.

"Fine. What do you want to do?" Chris asked and I snuggled into him more. He just laughed but then sighed. "Sounds like a good plan." Chris said holding me tighter. Everything just felt right again.

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