10 Years

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It the night before we were set to leave New York and we were spending it in Times Square. Chris and I hadn't been apart all day but our group was willing to give us this time together.

"After you called me last night I called my mom." Chris said and I looked at him in shock.

"You did?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course I did. The best girl ever just accepted my invitation to Prom, I had to tell her." Chris said and I smiled.

"Chris..." I said and felt the heat rising in my cheeks.

"Vinny...you are the best girl. You are amazing." Chris said and gave me a small kiss. I smiled when we broke apart.

"I know I should have asked this before but you don't have to girlfriend back in Boston that you are trying to make jealous or anything do you?" I asked and he placed a hand on my cheek.

"No girl in Boston Vinny. The only women in my life are my sisters, my mom and a friend Tara." Chris said and I nodded.

"And there is nothing with Tara?" I asked and Chris huffed a laugh.

"No just good friends since we were kids. Like you with Marty and Aubrey." Chris said and I nodded. Chris and stopped walking at a certain spot that seemed to be the middle of times square. Chris walked in front of me and took both of my hands. We both looked around at the lights and smiled.

"I want to do something and it may seem insane." Chris said and I looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he laughed.

"Nothing like proposing! God that would be crazy." Chris said and I laughed.

"Yeah..." I said.

"I want to make a pact though." Chris said.

"Okay, what kind of pact..." I said and he sighed rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"10 years from now 2009, wherever we are in our lives...whether we are married, in a relationship, single whatever. We come back to this spot and meet again." Chris said and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Chris, you cant be serious." I said and he huffed a laugh.

"Why can't I be? We can see what each other did with their lives, see where we ended up. It would be like a class reunion. Hell bring Aubrey and Marty, I'll bring Mark and Danny." Chris said and I laughed.

"I mean it's sounds like a great idea." I said and Chris smiled.

"It is a great idea! Say you'll be here in 10 years say at 7pm." Chris said and I sighed.

"Fine, okay! I'll be here." I said and Chris smiled and pulled me into a kiss. This was a little bit more passionate than his others. His tongue teased my lips and I let him in. I moaned in the kiss and we broke apart.

"We are getting good at that." Chris said, we both laughed.

"We really are." I said and he smiled and pulled me into a hug and we just held each other as the hustle and bustle of time square disappeared around us.


I woke up the next morning and just looked at the ceiling. I didn't sleep well the night before knowing it was the day we were going home. I was dreading this day, not only because NYC had been a lot of fun but the man I was falling for and hard was going back to Boston. We were having breakfast this morning for the last time. I got out of bed and got dressed. Aubrey walked over to me before we left the room and hugged me.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I just want to get down to breakfast." I said and we opened the hotel room door. As I opened the door Chris was standing there about to knock.

"Hey...how did you get up here?" I asked and he put his finger to his lips.

"No one knows I did." Chris said and I laughed. I took his hand he extended to me and we headed to the elevator. Once we got down to breakfast no one seemed to noticed and we checked in, got our food and headed to our table. We all decided since it was the last morning we would sit together. Once we were done eating I placed my head on his shoulder and he placed his head on mine.

"Hey, it will be okay. Once we get home we are going to talk to our moms about prom and then you get to call me and tell me what is said and we compare dates." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know but not seeing you every day is going to be hard." I said and he sighed.

"I'm so happy I walked into that shop in China town." Chris said and I smiled. We saw the teacher stand in front of everyone.

"No..." I whispered and grabbed Chris's hand.

"Hey everyone, we need to load on the buses and get on the road. Everyone go get their luggage while we check you out and say your goodbyes." Mr. Drega said and I sighed. We all stood up and headed to the elevator. We rode in silence, Chris and his guys got off first and then we went to out floor to get our bags. Once we headed down to the lobby we headed straight out to our bus and I saw Chris giving the driver his bag to load. I gave Aubrey mine and ran over to Chris. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist and we just held on.

"Talk to you soon okay?" Chris asked and I nodded. He leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"Soon." I said as we broke apart. I hugged Danny and Mark and then rushed back to my bus. I took my seat and just looked out the window now wondering how it would go talking to my mom at home.

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