Prom Plans

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"I can't go to prom with him! Can I?" I asked panicking and pacing in the hotel room that night while Aubrey sat on the bed calm and watching me.

"Why not?" Aubrey asked.

"Because he lives in fucking Boston!" I said.

"So?! You and your mom travel to Boston." She said and I groaned.

"Yeah, can you see how that conversation is going to go? Hey Mom! Remember that guy I met on the New York trip, yeah well, he invited me to Prom at his high school. Can we travel to Boston for a weekend? She is going to flip." I said and Aubrey sighed.

"Vinny come on, I have never seen you as happy as I have these past few days. Chris asked you to Prom so just rationally talk to your mom about it." Aubrey said. I sighed and sat next to her.

"It wasn't just that." I said and she sighed

"What do you mean?" Aubrey said and I sighed.

"He kissed me tonight..." I said and Aubrey whipped her head to look at me.

"He what?!" She asked smiling.

"Twice." I said and she smiled at me and I could tell she was containing herself.


"When we were on the observation deck at the Empire State Building. I was looking out the binocular things and he got behind me and kissed me. He said he couldn't hold back anymore." I said and Aubrey squealed in excitement.

"Come on! That's adorable!" Aubrey said and I gave a small smile.

"I know but this can't be happening. I mean Boston to Akron, how the hell will that work it's almost 10 hours away." I said and Aubrey sighed.

"You can work it out, you know you will." Aubrey said.

"And after graduation? He is going to LA. That's a lot more than almost 10 hours." I said and she groaned.

"So go to Stanford." Aubrey said and I looked at her in shock.

"How do you know about Stanford?" I asked.

"You think I didn't see it sitting on your desk in your room. I know you got in there. San Jose to LA isn't that much of a time difference, couple hours maybe." Aubrey said and I shook my head looking at my hands in my lap.

"I can't go to Stanford, you know I can't leave my mom." I said and she sighed.

"You think your mom wouldn't like it if you went where you really wanted to go?" Aubrey asked.

"I don't know, I mean she has done so much for me..." I trailed off.

"And it's time to do for you!" Aubrey said and I sighed.

"I know...I'll talk to her about Stanford but first...Prom in Boston." I said and Aubrey got excited.

"What if you make a compromise with Chris..." Aubrey said.

"Meaning?" I asked.

" travel and go to his prom and then he travels and comes to's a win, win. You don't want to go alone to Prom right?" Aubrey asked. I sighed knowing my ex-boyfriend would be bringing the cheerleader and I couldn't show up alone.

"No, I don't..." I trailed off.

"So, call him now and ask him to come. You know what room he is staying in so pick up the phone, call the front desk and get his room." Aubrey said and I sighed.

"I don't know...doesn't it seem forward? I mean I haven't even given him an answer yet." I said and Aubrey picked up the hotel room phone and called the front desk.

"Room 412 please." She said and I groaned.


"Hey Danny, is Chris there?" I heard Aubrey say and she shoved the receiver at me and I heard Chris on the other end.

"Hello? Aubrey?" Chris asked and I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, he um actually it's Vinny." I said.

"Oh hey..." Chris said and I smiled hearing him relax.

"Um...I wanted to answer your question from earlier, but I was wondering if we could make it a compromise." I said.

"What kind of compromise?" Chris asked.

"Well, I would love to come to your prom with you, I was wondering if you would want to go to my prom with me?" I asked. I swore he was smiling and punching the air excited.

"I would love to go to your Prom Vinny. We can talk about it when we both get home and maybe get our moms to talk about it. You guys would most likely be able to stay at my mom's place." Chris said and I smiled.

"And you guys could stay at ours. We can talk about it at home, but I would love to come to your prom." I said.

"Awesome. I can't wait Vinny." Chris said.

"Me too. I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Yeah, breakfast at our normal table?" Chris asked and I giggled.

"Sounds good, good night Chris." I said.

"Sweet dreams Vinny." Chris said and we hung up. I looked at Aubrey and we both started screaming freaking out excited. 

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