Empire State Building Kiss

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The next day we were just spending time on Ellis and Liberty Island and Chris didn't seem himself.

"You okay?" I asked as we walked around Liberty Island hand in hand.

"Yeah, I just got to call home last night and I my brother was wondering when I was going to be back, my sisters are ganging up on him." Chris said and I smiled.

"That's not everything. You can talk to me you know...come on. I opened up to you." I said and Chris sighed.

"Mom said LA might not be able to happen. She is worried about me going by myself and she can't uproot my siblings." Chris said and I sighed.

"I mean she is your mom, you see her concern, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I do, I just need to prove to her I can be responsible and it's not like I'm going completely alone. Mark and Danny are going with me." Chris said.

"Does she trust Mark and Danny?" I asked and he nodded.

"She does. And even my older sister is talking about moving out there for a while so maybe I can stay with her even." Chris said and I nodded.

"You just need to bring all of this up to her. This is your dream, Chris." I said and he smiled. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Vinny." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"I didn't do anything but you're welcome." I said and he laughed. We finished walking the island and went to head back to the ferry. Chris pulled a camera from his pocket, and we took some selfies and I smiled knowing we talked about him sending me the photos as well once he got them developed.

"So have you told anyone back home about the Ohio girl?" I asked and Chris laughed but nodded.

"Told my mom I met an amazing girl from Ohio and I hated to only have 5 days with her." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"You think you are so smooth." I said and he winked at me as we got on the ferry. "What did she say?" I continued.

"She hates you live in Ohio, she would love to meet you." Chris said and I smiled.

"Hey! There you two are!" Mark said seeing us as he got on the ferry with everyone else.

"Sorry, we just walked and talked." Chris said.

"Maybe it was a problem to make them buddies." Danny said and we laughed.

"Yeah I think so. Vinny, come be my buddy." Mark said and Chris wrapped his arms around me and held on to me and I laughed.

"She is my buddy backoff." Chris said smiling and I looked back at him and smiled.

"Sorry, I'm spoken for. Y'all wanted this. You left us alone at the table that morning." I said as Chris didn't let me go. We stood there for a few minutes and Chris let me go taking my hand.

"You want to go up top?" Chris asked and I nodded as we headed to the top level of the ferry. I leaned on the railed and Chris caged me in and I smiled back at him. We didn't say anything, we knew what we were both feeling but we both also know this was playing with fire and emotions.


That night we were on top of the Empire State building. The city looked amazing at night with all the lights and everything from above. Chris and I were walking around the observation deck and I jumped up on one of the binocular things and put in a quarter and looked around. Chris got behind me, straddled the stand behind me and I laughed.

"Not very safe Chris." I said and he laughed.

"Maybe not but I don't want you falling off." Chris said and I smiled as I looked through the binoculars. Once the view finder shut down, I looked back at Chris as his chin was resting on my shoulder. He lifted his head and I just looked at him as he looked at me. I saw him moving closer to me and I closed my eyes in anticipation and I felt his lips softly touch mine. It wasn't anything too crazy, a simple, small kiss but enough to show how he felt. Once we broke apart, I looked at him as he placed his forehead on my mine.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself." Chris said and I smiled shaking my head.

"I didn't mind." I said and Chris smiled and leaned in doing it again. When we broke apart, he got down from where we were standing and helped me down. We walked around just looking at everything.

"We are going to stay in touch, right? Like it won't end once we leave to go home, right?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Of course Vinny, I don't want to just give this up. We will do whatever we can to keep in touch." Chris said and I smiled at him. We walked around the rest of the observation deck and then headed down to the buses. Before we could be seen Chris looked at me and I smiled at him. He took both of my hands and took a deep breath.

"Chris?" I asked concerned.

"Vinny, will you go to my prom with me?" 

New York State of Mind ⭐Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang