Chris's Prom

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The next day I was sitting in the dining room at Lisa's while my hair and make-up were getting done for Prom. I was slightly nervous since I didn't know anything about what was going to happen.

"Mom?!" I called out and she came walking in. Her and Lisa were becoming best friends and just sitting in the living room talking ang having coffee.

"What?" She asked as her and Lisa both walked in. I looked at her panicked.

"I forgot to order Chris a boutonniere when I got here yesterday." I said and Lisa smiled at me placing a hand on my cheek.

"Don't worry, that and your corsage are already here and in the fridge to stay fresh." Lisa said and I sighed. She then went to get them to show me the light blue roses to match the blue in the dress. I smiled.

"Perfect." I said smiling. "Thank you." I said and she smiled. I looked at the clock and knew I would have to get dressed soon.

"Is everyone gathering here for pictures?" Chris asked coming into the dining room.

"Yeah, we are going them here and then the limo will pick you all up here.

"Limo?" Chris asked shocked.

"Your dad." Lisa said and Chris smiled.

"Awesome." Chris said and I smiled at him. Lisa looked at Andrea and I knew the look.

"What?" I asked and Andrea sat down with me and Lisa walked away taking Chris with her.

"Lisa and I think we need to talk to you and Chris...." Andrea said and I put my hands over my ears.

"No! No way! Not happening!" I said, she sighed and moved my hands.

"Listen, I'm not going to give you the talk again, we had it already once. I'm just going to ask you, if you two do plan on doing anything just please use protection." Andrea said and I groaned.

"Mom...nothing says we are going to. I mean god..." I said and she sighed.

"I know and Lisa knows this as well we just want you kids to be safe. Things happen." Andrea said and I nodded. She kissed my cheek and walked away. I sat in silence now thinking about tonight wondering if Chris had this thought. I wasn't sure if I was ready or not. I like Chris a lot, dare I say growing to love him but I didn't know if we would be there. I sighed as she finished on my hair and I smiled seeing it was exactly what I wanted. I walked upstairs to me bedroom to get dressed and I passed Chris's room and he was just sitting on his bed looking at something in his hand. I knocked and he quickly hid it.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked and he smiled. He looked at my hair and make-up all done.

"Yeah, fine. Just thinking about getting ready." Chris said and I nodded.

"Same here. You sure you okay? I mean I know what your mom just talked to you about." I said and he groaned.

"Your mom too?" Chris asked and I nodded and huffed a laugh.

"I'm good, I mean I figured it would come." Chris said and I nodded.

"Okay well, I'm going to get ready. See you downstairs?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yep, downstairs." Chris said winking at me. I walked into the bedroom. I looked at my dress and smiled. It was time.


Once I was dressed I walked out of my room. I knew Lisa and Andrea wanted me to make some grand entrance down the steps.

"You guys ready?" I called out and I heard everyone scrambling and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on down." Andrea said and I easily walked down the steps in my heels. I saw Chris standing the bottom of the steps in his tux and my breath hitched slightly, he looked so good. He extended his hand for me to take and he helped me down the rest of the way. Everyone instantly started talking about how cute we looked together and I just looked at him slightly rolling my eyes.

 Everyone instantly started talking about how cute we looked together and I just looked at him slightly rolling my eyes

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"Okay pictures." Lisa said and handed us the containers with the flowers. We did the normal pictures and then the doorbell rang. Scott answered it and in walked an older gentleman.

"My dad." Chris whispered to me.

"Chris." He said and Chris hugged his dad then gestured to me.

"Dad this is Davina, Vinny." Chris said and I shook his father's hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Evans." I said and he smiled.

"Robert is fine." He said and I smiled.

"Tara and everyone were arriving when I pulled in. We should head outside for pictures." Robert said and we all nodded. Chris held me back as everyone went walking out.

"You look beautiful." Chris said and I placed a hand on his check.

"And you are a charmer, but I'll take it. Thank you." I said and he smiled leaning in and giving me a small kiss. We walked out of the house hand in hand. Chris walked me up to his group of friends.

"You know Danny and Mike." Chris said as I hugged them both.

"Hey guys." I said smiling.

"This is Tara." Chris said pointing to the only other girl in the group. She smiled, came up and hugged me.

"Thank god another girl." She said and we laughed.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Same to you, I can finally put a face to the name Chris keeps talking about." Tara said and I smiled at Chris who was blushing.

"Seems to be a running theme, you talking about me." I said and he shrugged.

"I don't care, I wanted everyone to know about the amazing girl I met." Chris said and kissed my cheek.

"Okay kids pictures!" Tara's mom yelled wanting us all to get wrangled up. We took tons of pictures and then the limo arrived.

"Have fun!" The parents called out after us and we got in the limo heading to Prom. 

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